nWoD Vampire Powers

Notes, summaries and a few house rules on supernatural powers from Vampire: The Requiem: A Modern Gothic Storytelling Game (2004 edition aka nWoD, ISBN-10: 1588462471, ISBN-13: 978-1588462473). These lists mainly highlight the “menu of options” powers, not all of the “vampire basics” like retractable fangs, licking feeding bites to instantly heal them, enslaving other vampires by sharing blood, and so forth.

These rules are a supplement / extention of the basic New World Of Darkness system rules.


Mortals heal wounds through time, rest and medical treatment. The undead heal supernaturally, using their stolen blood to repair their bodies. Ordinary medical treatment offers them no benefits whatsoever.

Kindred heal bashing damage quite easily. In one turn, a Kindred character can expend one Vitae to heal two Health points lost to bashing damage. Kindred who are able to spend more than one Vitae per turn may heal two points of bashing damage per Vitae spent per turn, up to their limit. For example, a character with Blood Potency 4 can spend two Vitae per turn (see VtR p. 99), so he could spend two Vitae and heal up to four points of bashing damage in one turn.

Lethal damage heals less easily, since it requires building new tissue to replace and rejoin parts of the character’s body. In one turn, a vampire can expend one Vitae to heal one Health point lost to lethal damage. As with bashing damage, vampires who are able to spend more than one Vitae per turn may heal one point of lethal damage per Vitae spent per turn, up to their limit. Both bashing and lethal damage could even be healed at the same time if you can spend all the Vitae required to do so.

A character can perform other actions while healing bashing or lethal damage, as this recovery is a reflexive action. An undead character can therefore take as much damage in a fight as a mortal does and heal the damage back while the fight continues. Of course, a Kindred carries a limited supply of blood, but she can replenish herself from a defeated foe. (Although bloodless corpses or the addictive taste of a fellow Kindred’s Vitae pose their own problems.)

Aggravated damage presents much greater difficulties. Each Health point lost to aggravated damage costs five Vitae to heal, and the process takes two nights per Health point. Those five Vitae must be spent over the course of the two nights it takes for the character to heal the wound, though they need not be spent together. For example, a player might spend three Vitae after the character rises on the first night, and two Vitae after she rises on the second night to heal the wound.

Note that characters can never heal more Health points than their Health trait. For example, a character with 8 Health who has suffered five points of damage (of whatever type) can not heal six points of damage and raise her Health to 9.


Disciplines tend to align to specific “families” of vampires. For examples, those “reborn” into the Gangrel clan (bloodline of sires) develop powers from the Animalism, Resilience and/or Protean disciplines. Gaining dispiline powers outside one’s clan is rare but possible (i.e. costs more character points to get).

ANIMALISM (control of beasts)

Animalism 1 – Feral Whispers: Speak with animals upon eye contact. Cost: 0. Dice Pool: Manipulation + Animal Ken + Animalism (VtR p. 115)

Animalism 2 – Obedience: Command animals upon eye contact. Cost: 0. Dice Pool: Presence + Animal Ken + Animalism – animal’s Composure (VtR p. 116)

Animalism 3 – Call of the Wild: Summon animals. Cost: 1 Vitae. Dice Pool: Presence + Animal Ken + Animalism (VtR p. 116)

Animalism 4 – Subsume the Lesser Spirit: Possess and control an animal. Cost: 1 Vitae. Dice Pool: Manipulation + Animal Ken + Animalism vs animal’s Composure (VtR p. 117)

Animalism 5 – Leashing the Beast: Cause or calm frenzy in yourself or another. Cost: 1 Vitae. Dice Pool: Manipulation + Empathy + Animalism vs Composure + Blood Potency (another); Manipulation + Empathy + Animalism (self) (VtR p. 118)

AUSPEX (extrasensory perception)

Auspex 1 – Heightened Senses: You can see in pitch darkness. Cost: 0. Dice Pool: None (VtR p. 119)

Auspex 2 – Aura Perception: Read another’s emotional state and nature (human vs. vampire vs. ghost). Cost: 0. Dice Pool: Intelligence + Empathy + Auspex – subject’s Composure (VtR p. 120)

Auspex 3 – The Spirit’s Touch: Read psychic impressions from objects. Cost: 0. Dice Pool: Wits + Occult + Auspex (VtR p. 121)

Auspex 4 – Telepathy: Read and add thoughts in another’s mind. Cost: 0 for mortal, 1 Willpower for supernatural. Dice Pool: Intelligence + Socialize + Auspex – subject’s Resolve (VtR p. 122)

Auspex 5 – Twilight Projection: Flying “ghost body” allows perceptions from distance. Cost: 1 Willpower. Dice Pool: Intelligence + Occult + Auspex (VtR p. 122)

CELERITY (supernatural speed)

Celerity 1: Opponents attacks -1, your Initiative +1, speed x2. Cost: 1 Vitae/turn. Dice Pool: N/A (VtR p. 123)

Celerity 2: Opponents attacks -2, your Initiative +2, speed x3. Cost: 2 Vitae/turn. Dice Pool: N/A (VtR p. 123)

Celerity 3: Opponents attacks -3, your Initiative +3, speed x4. Cost: 3 Vitae/turn. Dice Pool: N/A (VtR p. 123)

Celerity 4: Opponents attacks -4, your Initiative +4, speed x5. Cost: 4 Vitae/turn. Dice Pool: N/A (VtR p. 123)

Celerity 5: Opponents attacks -5, your Initiative +5, speed x6. Cost: 5 Vitae/turn. Dice Pool: N/A (VtR p. 123)

DOMINATE (mind control)

Dominate 1 – Command: Issue a one-word command with eye contact. Cost: 0. Dice Pool: Intelligence + Intimidation + Dominate vs Resolve + Blood Potency (VtR p. 124)

Dominate 2 – Mesmerize: Implant false memory or command. Cost: 0. Dice Pool: Intelligence + Expression + Dominate vs Resolve + Blood Potency (VtR p. 125)

Dominate 3 – The Forgetful Mind: Steal, alter, and erase memories. Cost: 0. Dice Pool: Wits + Persuasion + Dominate – subject’s Resolve (VtR p. 126)

Dominate 4 – Conditioning: Enslave a vassal’s mind. Cost: 1 Willpower. Dice Pool: Wits + Subterfuge + Dominate – subject’s Resolve + Blood Potency (VtR p. 127)

Dominate 5 – Possession: Control the body of a mortal (vampires unaffected). Cost: 1 Willpower. Dice Pool: Intelligence + Intimidation + Dominate vs Resolve (VtR p. 128)

MAJESTY (supernatural charisma)

Majesty 1 – Awe: Gain bonus dice for Social rolls. Cost: 0. Dice Pool: Presence + Expression + Majesty (VtR p. 129)

Majesty 2 – Revelation: Compel others to reveal their secrets. Cost: 1 Vitae. Dice Pool: Manipulation + Persuasion + Majesty vs subject’s Composure + Blood Potency (VtR p. 129)

Majesty 3 – Entrancement: Causes subject to want to obey you. Cost: 0. Dice Pool: Manipulation + Empathy + Majesty vs subject’s Composure + Blood Potency (VtR p. 130)

Majesty 4 – Summoning: Compels subject to come to you, regardless of distance. Cost: 1 Vitae. Dice Pool: Manipulation + Persuasion + Majesty vs subject’s Composure + Blood Potency (VtR p. 130)

Majesty 5 – Sovereignty: Compels those present to want to obey you. Cost: 1 Willpower/scene. Dice Pool: Presence + Intimidation + Majesty vs subjects’ Composure + Blood Potency (VtR p. 132)

NIGHTMARE (cause fear)

Nightmare 1 – Monstrous Countenance: Frightening display causes others to flee in fear. Cost: 0. Dice Pool: Presence + Intimidation + Nightmare vs subject’s Composure + Blood Potency (Nosf clan weakness does not apply) (VtR p. 133)

Nightmare 2 – Dread: Cause others to suffer -2 penalty due to panic. Cost: 1 Vitae. Dice Pool: Manipulation + Empathy + Nightmare vs. subject’s Composure + Blood Potency (Nosf clan weakness does not apply) (VtR p. 133)

Nightmare 3 – Eye of the Beast: Paralyze a mortal unless attacked, or cause another vampire to flee per frenzy rules. Cost: 1 Vitae. Dice Pool: Presence + Empathy + Nightmare vs. subject’s Composure + Blood Potency (Nosf clan weakness does not apply) (VtR p. 134)

Nightmare 4 – Shatter the Mind: Subject loses next action, suffering -1 penalty, loses 1 Willpower point, and gains temporary derangement. Cost: 1 Vitae. Dice Pool: Manipulation + Empathy + Nightmare vs. subject’s Composure + Blood Potency (Nosf clan weakness does not apply) (VtR p. 134)

Nightmare 5 – Mortal Fear: Causing lethal damage to living beings or cause vampires to lose Willpower points. Cost: 1 Willpower. Dice Pool: Presence + Intimidation + Nightmare – subject’s Composure (VtR p. 134)

OBFUSCATE (illusion and disquise)

Obfuscate 1 – Touch of Shadows: Hide a single item from sight. Cost: 0. Dice Pool: Wits + Larceny + Obfuscate (VtR p. 135)

Obfuscate 2 – Mask of Tranquility: Hide vampire nature, avoid predator’s taint; may be turned off, else “always on”. Cost: 0. Dice Pool: N/A (VtR p. 136)

Obfuscate 3 – Cloak of Night: Turn invisible; ends if you do something which draws attention (attack, smash something, shout, etc.). Cost: 0. Dice Pool: Intelligence + Stealth + Obfuscate (VtR p. 136)

Obfuscate 4 – The Familiar Stranger: You appear as a friend to another, but you cannot know who the subject is seeing in your place. Cost: 0. Dice Pool: Wits + Subterfuge + Obfuscate vs subject’s Resolve + Blood Potency (VtR p. 137)

Obfuscate 5 – Cloak the Gathering: Turn a group invisible, as mass Cloak of Night effect. Cost: 0. Dice Pool: Intelligence + Stealth + Obfuscate (VtR p. 138)

PROTEAN (shapechanging)

Protean 1 – Aspect of the Predator: For predator’s taint, treat more potent vampires as equal, less potent vampires as no effect; power “always on” but may be turned off. Cost: 0. Dice Pool: N/A (VtR p. 138)

Protean 2 – Haven of Soil: Meld body into a natural substance, usually natural earth but wood, water, natural stone or processed stone possible by spending additional XP. Cost: 1 Vitae. Dice Pool: N/A (VtR p. 139)

Protean 3 – Claws of the Wild: Grow claws which gain +1 attack bonus and cause aggravated damage. Cost: 1 Vitae. Dice Pool: N/A (VtR p. 139)

Protean 4 – Shape of the Beast: Transform into a wolf or bat. Cost: 1 Vitae. Dice Pool: N/A (VtR p. 139)

Protean 5 – Body of Spirit: Transform into mist. Cost: 1 Vitae. Dice Pool: N/A (VtR p. 140)

RESILIENCE (supernatural toughness)

Resilience 1: Gain +1 Stamina for scene; may boost Health; 1 aggrv. hit downgraded to lethal. Cost: 1 Vitae. Dice Pool: N/A (VtR p. 140)

Resilience 2: Gain +2 Stamina for scene; may boost Health; 2 aggrv. hits downgraded to lethal. Cost: 1 Vitae. Dice Pool: N/A (VtR p. 140)

Resilience 3: Gain +3 Stamina for scene; may boost Health; 3 aggrv. hits downgraded to lethal. Cost: 1 Vitae. Dice Pool: N/A (VtR p. 140)

Resilience 4: Gain +4 Stamina for scene; may boost Health; 4 aggrv. hits downgraded to lethal. Cost: 1 Vitae. Dice Pool: N/A (VtR p. 140)

Resilience 5: Gain +5 Stamina for scene; may boost Health; 5 aggrv. hits downgraded to lethal. Cost: 1 Vitae. Dice Pool: N/A (VtR p. 140)

VIGOR (supernatural strength)

Vigor 1: Gain +1 Strength for scene; may boost Speed; adds distance to jumping. Cost: 1 Vitae. Dice Pool: N/A (VtR p. 141)

Vigor 2: Gain +2 Strength for scene; may boost Speed; adds distance to jumping. Cost: 1 Vitae. Dice Pool: N/A (VtR p. 141)

Vigor 3: Gain +3 Strength for scene; may boost Speed; adds distance to jumping. Cost: 1 Vitae. Dice Pool: N/A (VtR p. 141)

Vigor 4: Gain +4 Strength for scene; may boost Speed; adds distance to jumping. Cost: 1 Vitae. Dice Pool: N/A (VtR p. 141)

Vigor 5: Gain +5 Strength for scene; may boost Speed; adds distance to jumping. Cost: 1 Vitae. Dice Pool: N/A (VtR p. 141)



Cruac 1 ritual – Pangs of Proserpina: Cause hunger in subject. Cost: 1 Vitae. Dice Pool: Manipulation + Occult + Cruac vs subject’s Composure + Blood Potency (VtR p. 143)

Cruac 1 ritual – Rigor Mortis: Partial hold person; successes = physical pool penalty. Cost: 1 Vitae. Dice Pool: Manipulation + Occult + Cruac (VtR p. 143)

Cruac 2 ritual – Cheval: See or listen through subject’s sight or hearing; one night per success. Cost: 1 Vitae. Dice Pool: Manipulation + Occult + Cruac – subject’s Composure (VtR p. 143)

Cruac 2 ritual – The Hydra’s Vitae: Your vitae becomes poisonous to other Kindred. Cost: 1 Vitae. Dice Pool: Manipulation + Occult + Cruac (VtR p. 143)

Cruac 3 ritual – Deflection of Wooden Doom: You cannot be staked through the heart. Cost: 1 Vitae. Dice Pool: Manipulation + Occult + Cruac (VtR p. 144)

Cruac 3 ritual – Touch of the Morrigan: Touch attack does lethal damage. Cost: 1 Vitae. Dice Pool: Manipulation + Occult + Cruac (VtR p. 144)

Cruac 4 ritual – Blood Price: You get one-third the Vitae the subject consumes when feeding. Cost: 1 Vitae. Dice Pool: Manipulation + Occult + Cruac – subject’s Composure (VtR p. 144)

Cruac 4 ritual – Willfull Vitae: You become immune to Vincilum and blood addiction. Cost: 1 Vitae. Dice Pool: Manipulation + Occult + Cruac (VtR p. 145)

Cruac 5 ritual – Blood Blight: Poisons mortals or destroys Vitae in vampires. Cost: 1 Vitae. Dice Pool: Manipulation + Occult + Cruac – Stamina (VtR p. 145)

Cruac 5 ritual – Feeding the Crone: Your mouth transforms such you may feed through standard attacks instead of needing to grapple first. Cost: 1 Vitae. Dice Pool: Manipulation + Occult + Cruac (VtR p. 145)


Theban Sorcery 1 ritual – Blood Scourge: Creates a magical whip made of blood which can be used as a weapon for physical attacks. Cost: 1 Willpower, offering 1 Vitae. Dice Pool: Intelligence + Academics + Theban Sorcery (VtR p. 146)

Theban Sorcery 1 ritual – Vitae Reliquary: Creates magical container for Vitae. Cost: 1 Willpower, offering container. Dice Pool: Intelligence + Academics + Theban Sorcery (VtR p. 146)

Theban Sorcery 2 ritual – Curse of Babel: Victim cannot speak or write intelligibly. Cost: 1 Willpower, offering a tongue. Dice Pool: Intelligence + Academics + Theban Sorcery – subject’s Resolve (VtR p. 146)

Theban Sorcery 2 ritual – Liar’s Plague: If subject tells a lie during scene, beetles swarm out of the speaker’s mouth. Cost: 1 Willpower, offering bug shell. Dice Pool: Intelligence + Academics + Theban Sorcery – subject’s Resolve or Composure (whichever higher) (VtR p. 147)

Theban Sorcery 3 ritual – Blandishment of Sin: Damage to subject is upgraded (bruised to lethal; lethal to aggravated). Cost: 1 Willpower, offering name written on paper. Dice Pool: Intelligence + Academics + Theban Sorcery – subject’s Resolve (VtR p. 147)

Theban Sorcery 3 ritual – Malediction of Despair: A specific action set on a specific subject only gets chance roll (1 die) on next attempt. Cost: 1 Willpower, offering lock of subject’s hair. Dice Pool: Intelligence + Academics + Theban Sorcery – subject’s Resolve (VtR p. 147)

Theban Sorcery 4 ritual – Gift of Lazarus: Animates a corpse into a crappy zombie. Cost: 1 Willpower, offering communion wafer. Dice Pool: Intelligence + Academics + Theban Sorcery (VtR p. 147)

Theban Sorcery 4 ritual – Stigmata: Subject bleeds from wrists, feet, side; causes lethal damage to mortals, Vitae loss to vampires. Cost: 1 Willpower, offering crucifix. Dice Pool: Intelligence + Academics + Theban Sorcery – subject’s Stamina (VtR p. 147)

Theban Sorcery 5 ritual – Transubstantiation: Limited polymorph any object; subject must be within arm’s reach. Cost: 1 Willpower, offering drop of liquid gold. Dice Pool: Intelligence + Academics + Theban Sorcery – subject’s Stamina (VtR p. 148)

Theban Sorcery 5 ritual – Wrathful Judgment: Divine fire burns vampire subject for aggravated damage and destroys Vitae; doesn’t work on non-vampires; caster must pluck out own eye or cut off own hand. Cost: 1 Willpower/turn casting, offering own body part. Dice Pool: Intelligence + Academics + Theban Sorcery – subject’s Stamina (VtR p. 148)


Coils of the Dragon/Coil of Blood 1 – Blood Seeps Slowly: You need one less Vitae to wake compared to the usual rules. Cost: 0. Dice Pool: N/A (VtR p. 149)

Coils of the Dragon/Coil of Blood 2 – Blood of Beasts: You may continue to gain vitae from feeding on animals and humans, regardless of Blood Potency. Cost: 0. Dice Pool: N/A (VtR p. 149)

Coils of the Dragon/Coil of Blood 3 – Perspicacious Blood: You gain three Vitae for every two you take from humans, and double consumed from Kindred or other supernatural vessels. Cost: 0. Dice Pool: N/A (VtR p. 149)

Coils of the Dragon/Coil of Bones 1 – Conquer the Red Flame: Gain +2 bonus to resist fear frenzy triggered by sunlight or fire. Cost: 0. Dice Pool: N/A (VtR p. 149)

Coils of the Dragon/Coil of Bones 2 – Surmounting the Daysleep: Spend Willpower point to remain awake all day; Humanity still caps dice pools. Cost: 0. Dice Pool: N/A (VtR p. 149)

Coils of the Dragon/Coil of Bones 3 – Sun’s Forgotten Kiss: Sunlight at twilight or dawn causes only bashing damage, not aggravated. Cost: 0. Dice Pool: N/A (VtR p. 149)

Coils of the Dragon/Coil of the Beast 1 – Chastise the Beast: Spend a Willpower point to resist any kind of frenzy, even after a failed Resolve + Composure roll. Cost: 0. Dice Pool: N/A (VtR p. 149)

Coils of the Dragon/Coil of the Beast 2 – Lure the Beast: “Riding the Wave” (see VtR 181) does not cost Willpower, and requires only three successes instead of five. Cost: 0. Dice Pool: N/A (VtR p. 149)

Coils of the Dragon/Coil of the Beast 3 – Exhaust the Beast: Spend an hour in frenzy to avoid any chance of future frenzy for the rest of the night Cost: 0. Dice Pool: N/A (VtR p. 149)


Arcane Sight: Requires Auspex 2, Cruac 1. Detects magic, current enchantments, magic ability. Cost: 1 Vitae/scene. Dice Pool: Wits + Occult + Auspex. (VtR p. 150)

Knowing the Stranger: Requires Auspex 4, Obfuscate 4. Know who subject “sees” under affect of Familiar Stranger. Cost: 1 Vitae. Dice Pool: Intelligence + Empathy + Obfuscate vs Resolve + Blood Potency. (VtR p. 150)

Body of Will: Requires Resilience 3, Vigor 1. Successes equal turns of ignoring wound penalties Cost: 1 Vitae. Dice Pool: Composure + Athletics + Resilience. (VtR p. 151)

Instantaneous Transformation: Requires Celerity 2, Protean 4. Transform and act in the same turn Cost: 1 Vitae + cost of transformation. Dice Pool: Stamina + Survival + Protean. (VtR p. 151)

Iron Façade: Requires Obfuscate 2, Resilience 2. Hide all wounds. Cost: 1 Vitae. Dice Pool: Intelligence + Survival + Obfuscate. (VtR p. 151)

Lessons in the Steel: Requires Auspex 1, Resilience 3. Learn information about opponent who scores a hit. Cost: 1 Vitae. Dice Pool: Resolve + Investigation + Resilience – opponent’s Resolve. (VtR p. 151)

Partial Transformation: Requires Protean 3, Resilience 1. Grow partial beastial features. Cost: 1 Vitae. Dice Pool: N/A. (VtR p. 152)

Quicken Sight: Requires Auspex 1, Celerity 1. See things while moving past them really fast. Cost: 1 Vitae. Dice Pool: N/A. (VtR p. 152)

Touch of Deprivation: Requires Auspex 4, Dominate 2. Shut down one of the suject’s five senses. Cost: 1 Vitae. Dice Pool: Intelligence + Medicine + Auspex vs Resolve + Blood Potency (if subject is unwilling). (VtR p. 153)

Veridcial Tongue: Requires Dominate 2, Majesty 2. Compel subject to only speak the truth (or choose to remain silent). Cost: 1 Vitae. Dice Pool: Presence + Subterfuge + Majest – subject’s Composure. (VtR p. 153)


How long a vampire stays in stasis following extreme injury depends on blood potency and humanity scores.

10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
10 10d 20d 20d 10w 20w 10m 10y 100y 500y 1,000y 1,000y
9 9d 18d 18d 9w 18w 9m 9y 90y 450y 900y 1,000y
8 8d 16d 16d 8w 16w 8m 8y 80y 400y 800y 1,000y
7 7d 14d 14d 7w 14w 7m 7y 70y 350y 700y 1,000y
6 6d 12d 12d 6w 12w 6m 6y 60y 300y 600y 1,000y
5 5d 10d 10d 5w 10w 5m 5y 50y 250y 500y 1,000y
4 4d 8d 8d 4w 8w 4m 4y 40y 200y 400y 1,000y
3 3d 6d 6d 3w 6w 3m 3y 30y 150y 300y 1,000y
2 2d 4d 4d 2w 4w 2m 2y 20y 100y 200y 1,000y
1 1d 2d 3d 1w 2w 1m 1y 10y 50y 100y 1,000y

d = days
w = weeks
m = months
y = years


House rules listed here make three changes to the listed VtR discipline rules:

1.) Affects of actions may now be more detailed based on the number of successes rolls. Note that initial (one dot) powers tend to be more limited in duration than the discipline’s more advanced levels.

2.) Extreme results (8 or more successes) risk triggering a lasting “overkill” side-effect.

3.) Mortality (WoD p. 91) factors in to what a mind-influenced target will and will not do while under the influence of the power. Targets with low Mortality or Humanity scores may disregard the listed thresholds, at the Storyteller’s judgment.


Modifiers by animal type…
+0 … Mammals, raptors (birds), large reptiles (alligators, boas).
-1 … Smaller reptiles (poisonous snakes, lizards), amphibians (frogs).
-3 … Fish, insects
-5 … Invertebrates (worms, jellyfish).

Animalism 1 – Feral Whispers: Speak with animals upon eye contact. Cost: 0. Dice Pool: Manipulation + Animal Ken + Animalism (VtR p. 115)
* Success benchmarks…
1 … Communicate with animal only for 1 turn. Only direct questions get a response.
2 … Communicate with animal for 2 turns. Only direct questions get a response
3 … Communicate with animal for 3 turns. Only direct questions get a response
4 … Communicate with animal for 5 turns. Only direct questions get a response
5 … Communicate with animal for a 10 turns (30 seconds). Animal also volunteers important information without needing to be asked.
6 … Communicate with animal for 20 turns (one minute). Animal also volunteers important information.
7 … Communicate with animal for duration of a scene. Animal also volunteers important information.
8+ … As above, but future encounters with the animal cause it to immediately try to communicate with the Animalism user, even if that user is ignoring the animal.

Animalism 2 – Obedience: Command animals upon eye contact. Cost: 0. Dice Pool: Presence + Animal Ken + Animalism – animal’s Composure (VtR p. 116)
* Success benchmarks…
1 … Animal follows orders of minimal risk (no attacks), lasting one scene or one hour.
2 … Animal follows orders of minor risk (attack much weaker creature), lasting up to two hours.
3 … Animal follows orders of moderate risk (attack equally matched creature), lasting up to five hours.
4 … Animal follows orders of major risk (attack larger creature), lasting all night.
5 … As above, plus animal attempts to please master beyond direct commands.
6 … As above, plus animal willing to carry out orders into the following day.
7 … As above, willing to carry out orders for several days.
8+ … As above, but future encounters with the animal cause it to immediately try to communicate with the Animalism user, even if that user is ignoring the animal.

Animalism 3 – Call of the Wild: Summon animals. Cost: 1 Vitae. Dice Pool: Presence + Animal Ken + Animalism (VtR p. 116)
* Success benchmarks…
1 … Summons all animals of one type (rats, or crows, or wolves) within 100 yards.
2 … As above, but range extends to within 200 yards.
3 … As above, but all within 300 yards.
4 … As above, but all within 400 yards.
5 … As above, but all within 500 yards.
6 … As above, but all within 600 yards.
7 … As above, but all within 700 yards.
8+ … As above, but future encounters with animals of this type in this area cause them to try and communicate with the Animalism user, even if that user is ignoring such animals.

Animalism 4 – Subsume the Lesser Spirit: Possess and control an animal. Cost: 1 Vitae. Dice Pool: Manipulation + Animal Ken + Animalism vs animal’s Composure (VtR p. 117)
* Success benchmarks…
1 to 4 … Possess an animal, controlling it and perceiving all it senses.
5 to 7 … As above, plus the Animalism user is able to use Auspex and Majesty powers through the animal.
8+ … As above, but future encounters with the animal cause it to immediately try to communicate with the Animalism user, even if that user is ignoring the animal.

Animalism 5 – Leashing the Beast: Cause or calm frenzy in yourself or another. Cost: 1 Vitae. Dice Pool: Manipulation + Empathy + Animalism vs Composure + Blood Potency (another); Manipulation + Empathy + Animalism (self) (VtR p. 118)
* Success benchmarks when used on oneself…
1 to 4 … Inspires or calms rage frenzy or Rotschreck at the end of the character’s turn, lasting for the duration of the scene.
5 to 7 … Inspires or calms rage frenzy or Rotschreck immediately, lasting for the duration of the scene. Character may make another action the same turn.
8+ … As above, but the Animalism user suffers terrible dreams about The Beast during torpor for several nights to come.

* Success benchmarks when used on another vampire…
1 to 4 … Invokes rage frenzy or Rotschreck in another for the duration of the scene. Willpower may be used in attempts to come out of the frenzy.
5 to 7 … Invokes rage frenzy or Rotschreck in another for the duration of the scene. Willpower may be used in attempts to come out of the frenzy. Willpower cannot be spent to end the frenzy prematurely.
8+ … As above, but future encounters with the animal cause it to immediately try to communicate with the Animalism user, even if that user is ignoring the animal.


Auspex 1 – Heightened Senses: You can see in pitch darkness, hear whispers across the room, have a chance to notice ghosts and spirits nearby. Add Auspex rating to surprise rolls (Wits + Composure). Cost: 0. Dice Pool: None (VtR p. 119)

Auspex 2 – Aura Perception: Read another’s emotional state and nature (human vs. vampire vs. ghost). Cost: 0. Dice Pool: Intelligence + Empathy + Auspex – subject’s Composure (VtR p. 120)
* Success benchmarks…
1 … Perceive 1 aura color; recognise nature (human, vampire, ghost, mage).
2 … Perceive up to 2 aura colors.
3 … Perceive up to 3 aura colors and target’s demeanor (personality).
4 … Perceive up to 4 aura colors, up to 1 derangement and demeanor.
5 … Perceive up to 6 aura colors, up to 3 derangements and demeanor.
6 … Perceive up to 7 aura colors, all derangements, target’s demeanor, virtue and vice.
7 … Perceive all aura colors, derangements, demeanor, virtue, vice and morality/humanity score.
8+ … As above, but target gets sudden insight into viewer’s aura as well without knowing exacting from who or where the auspex power comes.

Auspex 3 – The Spirit’s Touch: Read psychic impressions from objects. Cost: 0. Dice Pool: Wits + Occult + Auspex (VtR p. 121)
* Success benchmarks…
1 … Most recent holder seen, no emotional read.
2 … Caretaker or owner over past year seen; major associated emotions (hate, passion fear) detected.
3 … Caretakers/owners over past 10 years seen; major and minor associated emotions detected.
4 … Caretakers/owners over past 100 years seen; complex emotional associations detected; glimpse of item’s creator and its intended use.
5 … As above, with comprehensive or extended chronological understanding, a virtual slideshow of images pertaining to the object and its past.
6 … As above, with flash into the mind of the creator when the item was made and knowledge of other similar objects if they exist.
7 … As above, with knowledge of whether the creator is still alive and where similar object might be found.
8+ … As above, but creator – if alive – becomes aware of who is holding the item right now.

Auspex 4 – Telepathy: Read thoughts; make suggestions; send messages (attempt only one use per roll). Cost: 0 for mortal, 1 Willpower for supernatural. Dice Pool: Intelligence + Socialize + Auspex – subject’s Resolve (VtR p. 122)
* Success benchmarks when used to read thoughts…
1 … Experience a second of the target’s current sensory perceptions.
2 … As above, plus know target’s next intended action.
3 … As above, plus memories and intentions of the past night.
4 … As above, plus memories and intentions of the past week.
5 … As above, plus memories and intentions of the past month.
6 … As above, plus memories and intentions of the past year.
7 … As above, plus memories throughout target’s lifetime.
8+ … As above, but target’s mind forms a bond with sender; both telepath and target will automatically recognize each other in future mental contacts.

* Success benchmarks when used to nudge ideas into mental suggestions…
1 … Affect target’s most basic emotional states (angry, hungry, sleepy, frightened, horny) for a turn.
2 … Affect target’s safety concerns (apathy, weakness, strength) for two turns.
3 … Affect target’s love/belonging/social thoughts (friendships, desires, loves) for five turns (30 seconds).
4 … Affect target’s self-confidence and need for support from others (respect, esteem) for a scene or hour.
5 … Affect target’s basic skills and knowledge to inhibit or boost a Mental skill by 1 for a scene.
6 … Affect target’s concepts of what is beauty and good for a night.
7 … Affect target’s concept of her role in life (personal nature) for 24 hours.
8+ … As above, but target’s mind forms a bond with sender; both telepath and target will automatically recognize each other in future mental contacts.

* Success benchmarks when used to communicate instantly mind-to-mind…
1 … Words equal to sender’s Intelligence.
2 … Up to (Intelligence x 2) words, vague images or sounds.
3 … Up to (Intelligence x 4) words, small images (faces) or sounds (voices).
4 … Up to (Intelligence x 8) words, limited images (window-view) or sounds (voices and surrounding noise).
5 … Up to (Intelligence x 15) words, full images (doorway view) or sounds (musical songs).
6 … Up to (Intelligence x 30) words, broad images (panorama) or sounds (symphonies).
7 … Mentally exchange images and thoughts as will.
8+ … As above, but target’s mind forms a bond with sender; both telepath and target will automatically recognize each other in future mental contacts.

(NOTE: The Auspex 4 – Telepath power cannot be used to “reprogram memories” in a target’s mind. That’s what Dominate 3 – The Forgetful Mind is for, and a telepath doesn’t “get that power for free” here. However, using Auspex 4 and Dominate 3 together can produce better, more believable results. Auspex 4 and Dominate 4 – Conditioning can rebuild a target’s personality completely with more independence than the usual will-broken thrall.)

Auspex 5 – Twilight Projection: Flying “ghost body” allows perceptions from distance. Cost: 1 Willpower. Dice Pool: Intelligence + Occult + Auspex (VtR p. 122)
* Success benchmarks…
1 … “Ghost body” flies at a speed of 10 mph (jogging rate), but in any direction in the mortal realm.
2 … “Ghost body” flies up to 25 mph (sprinting rate) in mortal realm.
3 … “Ghost body” flies up to 50 mph in mortal realm.
4 … “Ghost body” flies up to 100 mph in mortal realm.
5 … “Ghost body” flies up to 200 mph; form may exist in either primal, mortal or eternal realm; regain Willpower point spent to activate.
6 … As above for 5, but ghost body flies up to 400 mph.
7 … As above for 5, but ghost body flies up to 800 mph.
8+ … As above, but power creates a “psychic noise” in the spirit realms which allows those with Heightened Senses or Aura Perception a +1 bonus to detect the traveler.

(If the spirit traveler wishes to gain a better speed, another Willpower point may be spent to reroll. The traveler uses the best result from the various action results.)


Celerity 1: Opponents attacks -1, your Initiative +1, speed x2. Cost: 1 Vitae/turn. Dice Pool: N/A (VtR p. 123)

Celerity 2: Opponents attacks -2, your Initiative +2, speed x3. Cost: 2 Vitae/turn. Dice Pool: N/A (VtR p. 123)

Celerity 3: Opponents attacks -3, your Initiative +3, speed x4. Cost: 3 Vitae/turn. Dice Pool: N/A (VtR p. 123)

Celerity 4: Opponents attacks -4, your Initiative +4, speed x5. Cost: 4 Vitae/turn. Dice Pool: N/A (VtR p. 123)

Celerity 5: Opponents attacks -5, your Initiative +5, speed x6. Cost: 5 Vitae/turn. Dice Pool: N/A (VtR p. 123)


Successes determine the degree of morality the target is willing to violate as well as the duration of action before “snapping out” of the Dominate effect. For example, the Command of “sleep” with rolling 4 successes would last only 5 turns (15 seconds) before the subject naturally awakens.

Dominate 1 – Command: Issue a one-word command with eye contact. Cost: 0. Dice Pool: Intelligence + Intimidation + Dominate vs Resolve + Blood Potency (VtR p. 124)
* Success benchmarks…
1 … Target will at most commit injury to another (accidental or otherwise, “strike”) or petty theft (shoplifting) lasting 1 turn.
2 … Target will at most commit grand theft (burglary, “steal”) lasting up to 2 turns, but will question own actions later.
3 … Target will at most commit intentional, mass property damage (arson, “destroy”) lasting up to 3 turns, will question own actions.
4 … Target will at most commit impassioned crimes (manslaughter, “shoot”) lasting up to 5 turns, will question own actions.
5 … Target will at most commit a planned crimes (murder, “kill”) lasting up to 10 turns (30 seconds), will rationalize actions later.
6 … Target will at most commit casual/callous crimes (serial murder, “slaughter”) lasting up to 20 turns (one minute), will rationalize actions later.
7 … Target will at most commit utter perversion, heinous act (mass murder) lasting up to a scene.
8+ … Target will do anything, including harm to self, and rationalize actions later. However, the target’s mind forms a bond with the dominator and will automatically recognize future contacts.

Dominate 2 – Mesmerize: Implant false memory or command. Cost: 0. Dice Pool: Intelligence + Expression + Dominate vs Resolve + Blood Potency (VtR p. 125)
* Success benchmarks…
1 … Target will at most commit injury to another (accidental or otherwise) or petty theft (shoplifting) lasting one scene or one hour, but will question own actions later.
2 … Target will at most commit grand theft (burglary) lasting up to two hours, but will question own actions later.
3 … Target will at most commit intentional, mass property damage (arson) lasting up to 12 hours, will question own actions.
4 … Target will at most commit impassioned crimes (manslaughter) lasting up to 24 hours, will question own actions.
5 … Target will at most commit a planned crimes (murder) lasting up to two days, will rationalize actions later.
6 … Target will at most commit casual/callous crime (serial murder) lasting up to four days, will rationalize actions later.
7 … Target will at most commit utter perversion, heinous act (mass murder) lasting up to a week.
8+ … Target will do anything, including harm to self, and rationalize actions later. However, the target’s mind forms a bond with the dominator and will automatically recognize future contacts.

Dominate 3 – The Forgetful Mind: Steal, alter, and erase memories. Action: Extended (each roll equals 5 minutes of mental manipulation). Cost: 0. Dice Pool: Wits + Persuasion + Dominate – subject’s Resolve (VtR p. 126)
* Success benchmarks…
1 … Memories of events up to the past scene or hour may be described and then altered.
2 … Memories of events up to the past 24 hours may be described and altered.
3 … Memories of events up to the past two days may be described and altered.
4 … Memories of events up to the past week may be described and then altered.
5 … Memories of events up to the past month may be described and then altered.
6 … Memories of events up to the past year may be described and then altered.
7 … Memories of events of any point in the target’s past may be described and then altered.
8+ … As above, but target’s mind will imprint a subconscious memory giving the target a “feeling” of recognition when meeting the dominator, even though reasons and details will not be understood.

Dominate 4 – Conditioning: Enslave a vassal’s mind. Action: Contested and Extended (each roll equals a week of mental manipulation). Cost: 1 Willpower. Dice Pool: Wits + Subterfuge + Dominate – subject’s Resolve + Blood Potency (VtR p. 127)
* Success benchmarks…
5 … Target willing to commit injury to another (accidental or otherwise) or petty theft (shoplifting) on command of the dominator.
10 … Target willing to commit grand theft (burglary) on command of the dominator.
15 … Target willing to commit intentional, mass property damage (arson) on command of the dominator.
20 … Target willing to commit impassioned crimes (manslaughter) on command of the dominator.
25 … Target willing to commit a planned crimes (murder) on command of the dominator.
30 … Target willing to commit casual/callous crime (serial murder) on command of the dominator.
35 … Target willing to commit utter perversion, heinous act (mass murder) on command of the dominator.
40+ … As above, but enslaved target becomes afraid to make decisions without direction from the dominator. Left alone, the target’s lack of self-preservation may lead to trouble (forgets to eat for days, won’t leave the last place the dominator was seen, ignores requests made by others).

Dominate 5 – Possession: Control the body of a mortal (vampires unaffected). Action: Contested (each roll equals one turn of mental struggle). Cost: 1 Willpower. Dice Pool: Intelligence + Intimidation + Dominate vs Resolve (VtR p. 128)
* Success benchmarks…
1 … Target with Willpower 1 possessed for as long as desired.
2 … Target with Willpower 2 or less possessed for as long as desired.
3 … Target with Willpower 3 or less possessed for as long as desired.
4 … Target with Willpower 4 or less possessed for as long as desired.
5 … Target with Willpower 5 or less possessed for as long as desired.
6 … Target with Willpower 6 or less possessed for as long as desired.
7 … Target with Willpower 7 or less possessed for as long as desired.
8 … Target with Willpower 8 or less possessed for as long as desired.
9 … Target with Willpower 9 or less possessed for as long as desired.
10 … Target with Willpower 10 or less possessed for as long as desired.


Majesty 1 – Awe: Gain bonus dice for Social rolls for one scene. Cost: 0. Dice Pool: Presence + Expression + Majesty (VtR p. 129)
* Success benchmarks…
1 … Minor recognition by those present but no meaningful influence.
2 … +2 to Social actions versus all present targets of Composure 1.
3 … +3 to Social actions versus all present targets of Composure 2 or less.
4 … +4 to Social actions versus all present targets of Composure 3 or less.
5 … +5 to Social actions versus all present targets of Composure 5 or less.
6 … +6 to Social actions versus all present targets of Composure 6 or less.
7 … +7 to Social actions versus all present targets of Composure 7 or less.
8+ … As above, and those affected will have a lingering memory about how awesome the Majesty user was at the moment of using the power.

Majesty 2 – Revelation: Compel others to reveal their secrets. Cost: 1 Vitae. Dice Pool: Manipulation + Persuasion + Majesty vs subject’s Composure + Blood Potency (VtR p. 129)
* Success benchmarks…
1 … Target confesses to hidden sins up to injury to another (accidental or otherwise) or petty theft (shoplifting).
2 … Target confesses to hidden sins up to grand theft (burglary).
3 … Target confesses to hidden sins up to intentional, mass property damage (arson).
4 … Target confesses to hidden sins up to impassioned crimes (manslaughter).
5 … Target confesses to hidden sins up to planned crimes (murder).
6 … Target confesses to hidden sins up to casual/callous crime (serial murder).
7 … Target confesses to hidden sins up to utter perversion, heinous acts (mass murder).
8+ … As above, and target will feel compelled to seek out the Majesty user to confess future crimes should they occur.

Majesty 3 – Entrancement: Causes subject to want to obey you. Cost: 0. Dice Pool: Manipulation + Empathy + Majesty vs subject’s Composure + Blood Potency (VtR p. 130)
* Success benchmarks…
1 … Target willing to at most commit injury to another (accidental or otherwise) or petty theft (shoplifting) lasting one scene or one hour.
2 … Target willing to at most commit grand theft (burglary) lasting up to two hours.
3 … Target willing to at most commit intentional, mass property damage (arson) lasting up to 12 hours.
4 … Target willing to at most commit impassioned crimes (manslaughter) lasting up to 24 hours.
5 … Target willing to at most commit a planned crimes (murder) lasting up to two days.
6 … Target willing to at most commit casual/callous crime (serial murder) lasting up to four days.
7 … Target willing to at most commit utter perversion, heinous act (mass murder) lasting up to a week.
8+ … Target willing to do anything, including harm to self, and rationalize actions later. However, the target’s mind forms a bond with the entrancer and will may seek advice on future decisions, become obsessive for affections, or otherwise follow an emotional attachment.

Majesty 4 – Summoning: Compels subject to come to you, regardless of distance. Cost: 1 Vitae. Dice Pool: Manipulation + Persuasion + Majesty vs subject’s Composure + Blood Potency (VtR p. 130)
* Success benchmarks…
1 to 4 … Target subconsciously knows the location of the summoner and comes as quickly as possible within the space of one night, without questioning the motivations or origins of the summons. If travel not completed by dawn, the compulsive effect fades.
5 … As above, but drive and ability to find summoner lasts throughout the day and into the following night.
6 … As above, but effect may last through two days to reach summoner.
7 … As above, but effect may last through a week to reach summoner.
8+ … As above, but summoned target develops a “sixth sense” of always knowing the general location of the summoner after the effect end (direction to area one mile radius around the summoner).

Majesty 5 – Sovereignty: Compels those present to want to obey you and prevents them from doing you harm. Cost: 1 Willpower/scene. Dice Pool: Presence + Intimidation + Majesty vs subjects’ Composure + Blood Potency (VtR p. 132)
* Success benchmarks…
1 … Target’s attempt to physically, mystically or socially harm the sovereign cannot be made for one turn.
2 … Target’s attempt to physically, mystically or socially harm the sovereign cannot be made for 10 turns (30 seconds).
3 … Target’s attempt to physically, mystically or socially harm the sovereign cannot be made for one scene.
4 … Target’s attempt to physically, mystically or socially harm the sovereign cannot be made for one hour.
5 … Target’s attempt to physically, mystically or socially harm the sovereign cannot be made for the rest of the night.
6 … Target’s attempt to physically, mystically or socially harm the sovereign cannot be made for 24 hours.
7 … Target’s attempt to physically, mystically or socially harm the sovereign cannot be made for 48 hours.
8+ … As above, plus target subconsciously develops a feeling of respect for the sovereign which continues even if future memories are altered.


Nightmare 1 – Monstrous Countenance: Frightening display causes others to flee in fear. Cost: 0. Dice Pool: Presence + Intimidation + Nightmare vs subject’s Composure + Blood Potency (Nosf clan weakness does not apply) (VtR p. 133)
* Success benchmarks…
1 … Target flees for 1 turn.
2 … Target flees for 2 turns.
3 … Target flees for 3 turns.
4 … Target flees for 4 turns.
5 to 7 … Target cowers, takes no action but may use Defense (but not dodge) against attacks. Duration lasts as long as the Nightmare user is present.
8+ … As above, plus target develops a subconscious link which causes a “bad feeling” about the Nightmare user whenever seen, even when power is not active or the user is in disguise.

Nightmare 2 – Dread: Cause others to suffer -2 penalty due to panic. Cost: 1 Vitae. Dice Pool: Manipulation + Empathy + Nightmare vs. subject’s Composure + Blood Potency (Nosf clan weakness does not apply) (VtR p. 133)
* Success benchmarks…
1 to 4 … All present who fail the contested roll suffer a -2 penalty on all actions out of an inexplicable rising panic. They cannot spend Willpower to gain three extra dice on any rolls, or +2 to any Resistance traits. (Willpower can be spent to activate capabilities or powers that require it, however.) Dread cannot be used selectively on some people surrounding the user, and not on others. Its effects are all or nothing. It be used more than once on any subject in a single scene. Duration lasts as long as Nightmare user is present, or the end of scene, whichever comes first.
5 to 7 … As above, plus each victim also loses a Willpower point.
8+ … As above, plus target develops a subconscious link which causes a “bad feeling” about the Nightmare user whenever seen, even when power is not active or the user is in disguise.

Nightmare 3 – Eye of the Beast: Paralyze a mortal unless attacked, or cause another vampire to flee per frenzy rules. Cost: 1 Vitae. Dice Pool: Presence + Empathy + Nightmare vs. subject’s Composure + Blood Potency (Nosf clan weakness does not apply) (VtR p. 134)
* Success benchmarks when used against mortal humans…
1 to 4 … Victim paralyzed with fear; if attacked, victim flees.
5 to 7 … As above, plus victim also loses a Willpower point.
8+ … As above, plus target develops a subconscious link which causes a “bad feeling” about the Nightmare user whenever seen, even when power is not active or the user is in disguise.

* Success benchmarks when used against vampires…
1 to 4 … Victim flees with fear per the Frenzy rules (VtR p. 178). If contested roll is a tie, vampire attacks those around her (possibly user of this power if no one else present).
5 to 7 … As above, plus victim also loses a Willpower point.
8+ … As above, plus target develops a subconscious link which causes a “bad feeling” about the Nightmare user whenever seen, even when power is not active or the user is in disguise.

Nightmare 4 – Shatter the Mind: Subject loses next action, suffering -1 penalty, loses 1 Willpower point, and gains temporary derangement. Cost: 1 Vitae. Dice Pool: Manipulation + Empathy + Nightmare vs. subject’s Composure + Blood Potency (Nosf clan weakness does not apply) (VtR p. 134)
* Success benchmarks…
1 … Victim loses next action; Defense still applies, but cannot dodge maneuver; all other actions for the remainder of the scene performed at -1 penalty; victim loses one Willpower point; and finally victim gains a mild derangement for one week.
2 … As above, but derangement lasts for two weeks.
3 … As above, but derangement lasts for three weeks.
4 … As above, but derangement lasts for four weeks.
5 … Victim falls unconscious for remainder of scene. Upon waking, victim loses one Willpower dot and is subject to a severe derangement of the Storyteller’s choosing until overcome through treatment.
6 … As per 5, but treatment checks to recover from the derangement made at -1.
7 … As per 5, but treatment checks to recover from the derangement made at -2.
8+ … As above, plus target develops a subconscious link which causes a “bad feeling” about the Nightmare user whenever seen, even when power is not active or the user is in disguise.

Nightmare 5 – Mortal Fear: Causing lethal damage to living beings or cause vampires to lose Willpower points. Cost: 1 Willpower. Dice Pool: Presence + Intimidation + Nightmare – subject’s Composure (VtR p. 134)
* Success benchmarks when used against living beings (mortal humans, ghouls, werewolves; no vampires)…
1 … Victim suffers a lethal wound.
2 … Victim suffers two lethal wounds.
3 … Victim suffers three lethal wounds.
4 … Victim suffers four lethal wounds.
5 … Victim suffers five lethal wounds and loses one Willpower dot.
6 … Victim suffers six lethal wounds and loses one Willpower dot.
7 … Victim suffers seven lethal wounds and loses one Willpower dot.
8+ … As above, plus target develops a subconscious link which causes a “bad feeling” about the Nightmare user whenever seen, even when power is not active or the user is in disguise.


Obfuscate 1 – Touch of Shadows: Hide a single item from sight. Cost: 0. Dice Pool: Wits + Larceny + Obfuscate (VtR p. 135)

Obfuscate 2 – Mask of Tranquility: Hide vampire nature, avoid predator’s taint; may be turned off, else “always on”. Cost: 0. Dice Pool: N/A (VtR p. 136)

Obfuscate 3 – Cloak of Night: Turn invisible; ends if you do something which draws attention (attack, smash something, shout, etc.). Cost: 0. Dice Pool: Intelligence + Stealth + Obfuscate (VtR p. 136)

Obfuscate 4 – The Familiar Stranger: You appear as a friend to another, but you cannot know who the subject is seeing in your place. Cost: 0. Dice Pool: Wits + Subterfuge + Obfuscate vs subject’s Resolve + Blood Potency (VtR p. 137)

Obfuscate 5 – Cloak the Gathering: Turn a group invisible, as mass Cloak of Night effect. Cost: 0. Dice Pool: Intelligence + Stealth + Obfuscate (VtR p. 138)


Protean 1 – Aspect of the Predator: For predator’s taint, treat more potent vampires as equal, less potent vampires as no effect; power “always on” but may be turned off. Cost: 0. Dice Pool: N/A (VtR p. 138)

Protean 2 – Haven of Soil: Meld body into a natural substance, usually natural earth but wood, water, natural stone or processed stone possible by spending additional XP. Cost: 1 Vitae. Dice Pool: N/A (VtR p. 139)

Protean 3 – Claws of the Wild: Grow claws which gain +1 attack bonus and cause aggravated damage. Cost: 1 Vitae. Dice Pool: N/A (VtR p. 139)

Protean 4 – Shape of the Beast: Transform into a wolf or bat. Cost: 1 Vitae. Dice Pool: N/A (VtR p. 139)

Protean 5 – Body of Spirit: Transform into mist. Cost: 1 Vitae. Dice Pool: N/A (VtR p. 140)


Resilience 1: Gain +1 Stamina for scene; may boost Health; 1 aggrv. hit downgraded to lethal. Cost: 1 Vitae. Dice Pool: N/A (VtR p. 140)

Resilience 2: Gain +2 Stamina for scene; may boost Health; 2 aggrv. hits downgraded to lethal. Cost: 1 Vitae. Dice Pool: N/A (VtR p. 140)

Resilience 3: Gain +3 Stamina for scene; may boost Health; 3 aggrv. hits downgraded to lethal. Cost: 1 Vitae. Dice Pool: N/A (VtR p. 140)

Resilience 4: Gain +4 Stamina for scene; may boost Health; 4 aggrv. hits downgraded to lethal. Cost: 1 Vitae. Dice Pool: N/A (VtR p. 140)

Resilience 5: Gain +5 Stamina for scene; may boost Health; 5 aggrv. hits downgraded to lethal. Cost: 1 Vitae. Dice Pool: N/A (VtR p. 140)


Vigor 1: Gain +1 Strength for scene; may boost Speed; adds distance to jumping. Cost: 1 Vitae. Dice Pool: N/A (VtR p. 141)

Vigor 2: Gain +2 Strength for scene; may boost Speed; adds distance to jumping. Cost: 1 Vitae. Dice Pool: N/A (VtR p. 141)

Vigor 3: Gain +3 Strength for scene; may boost Speed; adds distance to jumping. Cost: 1 Vitae. Dice Pool: N/A (VtR p. 141)

Vigor 4: Gain +4 Strength for scene; may boost Speed; adds distance to jumping. Cost: 1 Vitae. Dice Pool: N/A (VtR p. 141)

Vigor 5: Gain +5 Strength for scene; may boost Speed; adds distance to jumping. Cost: 1 Vitae. Dice Pool: N/A (VtR p. 141)


Circle of the Crone only…

Cruac 1 ritual – Pangs of Proserpina: Cause hunger in subject. Cost: 1 Vitae. Dice Pool: Manipulation + Occult + Cruac vs subject’s Composure + Blood Potency (VtR p. 143)

Cruac 1 ritual – Rigor Mortis: Partial hold person; successes = physical pool penalty. Cost: 1 Vitae. Dice Pool: Manipulation + Occult + Cruac (VtR p. 143)

Cruac 2 ritual – Cheval: See or listen through subject’s sight or hearing; one night per success. Cost: 1 Vitae. Dice Pool: Manipulation + Occult + Cruac – subject’s Composure (VtR p. 143)

Cruac 2 ritual – The Hydra’s Vitae: Your vitae becomes poisonous to other Kindred. Cost: 1 Vitae. Dice Pool: Manipulation + Occult + Cruac (VtR p. 143)

Cruac 3 ritual – Deflection of Wooden Doom: You cannot be staked through the heart. Cost: 1 Vitae. Dice Pool: Manipulation + Occult + Cruac (VtR p. 144)

Cruac 3 ritual – Touch of the Morrigan: Touch attack does lethal damage. Cost: 1 Vitae. Dice Pool: Manipulation + Occult + Cruac (VtR p. 144)

Cruac 4 ritual – Blood Price: You get one-third the Vitae the subject consumes when feeding. Cost: 1 Vitae. Dice Pool: Manipulation + Occult + Cruac – subject’s Composure (VtR p. 144)

Cruac 4 ritual – Willfull Vitae: You become immune to Vincilum and blood addiction. Cost: 1 Vitae. Dice Pool: Manipulation + Occult + Cruac (VtR p. 145)

Cruac 5 ritual – Blood Blight: Poisons mortals or destroys Vitae in vampires. Cost: 1 Vitae. Dice Pool: Manipulation + Occult + Cruac – Stamina (VtR p. 145)

Cruac 5 ritual – Feeding the Crone: Your mouth transforms such you may feed through standard attacks instead of needing to grapple first. Cost: 1 Vitae. Dice Pool: Manipulation + Occult + Cruac (VtR p. 145)


Lancea Sanctum only…

Theban Sorcery 1 ritual – Blood Scourge: Creates a magical whip made of blood which can be used as a weapon for physical attacks. Cost: 1 Willpower, offering 1 Vitae. Dice Pool: Intelligence + Academics + Theban Sorcery (VtR p. 146)

Theban Sorcery 1 ritual – Vitae Reliquary: Creates magical container for Vitae. Cost: 1 Willpower, offering container. Dice Pool: Intelligence + Academics + Theban Sorcery (VtR p. 146)

Theban Sorcery 2 ritual – Curse of Babel: Victim cannot speak or write intelligibly. Cost: 1 Willpower, offering a tongue. Dice Pool: Intelligence + Academics + Theban Sorcery – subject’s Resolve (VtR p. 146)

Theban Sorcery 2 ritual – Liar’s Plague: If subject tells a lie during scene, beetles swarm out of the speaker’s mouth. Cost: 1 Willpower, offering bug shell. Dice Pool: Intelligence + Academics + Theban Sorcery – subject’s Resolve or Composure (whichever higher) (VtR p. 147)

Theban Sorcery 3 ritual – Blandishment of Sin: Damage to subject is upgraded (brusied to lethal; lethal to aggravated). Cost: 1 Willpower, offering name written on paper. Dice Pool: Intelligence + Academics + Theban Sorcery – subject’s Resolve (VtR p. 147)

Theban Sorcery 3 ritual – Malediction of Despair: A specific action set on a specific subject only gets chance roll (1 die) on next attempt. Cost: 1 Willpower, offering lock of subject’s hair. Dice Pool: Intelligence + Academics + Theban Sorcery – subject’s Resolve (VtR p. 147)

Theban Sorcery 4 ritual – Gift of Lazarus: Animates a corpse into a crappy zombie. Cost: 1 Willpower, offering communion wafer. Dice Pool: Intelligence + Academics + Theban Sorcery (VtR p. 147)

Theban Sorcery 4 ritual – Stigmata: Subject bleeds from wrists, feet, side; causes lethal damage to mortals, Vitae loss to vampires. Cost: 1 Willpower, offering crucifix. Dice Pool: Intelligence + Academics + Theban Sorcery – subject’s Stamina (VtR p. 147)

Theban Sorcery 5 ritual – Transubstantiation: Limited polymorph any object; subject must be within arm’s reach. Cost: 1 Willpower, offering drop of liquid gold. Dice Pool: Intelligence + Academics + Theban Sorcery – subject’s Stamina (VtR p. 148)

Theban Sorcery 5 ritual – Wrathful Judgement: Divine fire burns vampire subject for aggravated damage and destroys Vitae; doesn’t work on non-vampires; caster must pluck out own eye or cut off own hand. Cost: 1 Willpower/turn casting, offering own body part. Dice Pool: Intelligence + Academics + Theban Sorcery – subject’s Stamina (VtR p. 148)


Ordo Dracul only…

Coils of the Dragon/Coil of Blood 1 – Blood Seeps Slowly: You need one less Vitae to wake compared to the usual rules. Cost: 0. Dice Pool: N/A (VtR p. 149)

Coils of the Dragon/Coil of Blood 2 – Blood of Beasts: You may continue to gain vitae from feeding on animals and humans, regardless of Blood Potency. Cost: 0. Dice Pool: N/A (VtR p. 149)

Coils of the Dragon/Coil of Blood 3 – Perspicacious Blood: You gain three Vitae for every two you take from humans, and double consumed from Kindred or other supernatural vessels. Cost: 0. Dice Pool: N/A (VtR p. 149)

Coils of the Dragon/Coil of Bones 1 – Conquer the Red Flame: Gain +2 bonus to resist fear frenzy triggered by sunlight or fire. Cost: 0. Dice Pool: N/A (VtR p. 149)

Coils of the Dragon/Coil of Bones 2 – Surmounting the Daysleep: Spend Willpower point to remain awake all day; Humanity still caps dice pools. Cost: 0. Dice Pool: N/A (VtR p. 149)

Coils of the Dragon/Coil of Bones 3 – Sun’s Forgotten Kiss: Sunlight at twilight or dawn causes only bashing damage, not aggravated. Cost: 0. Dice Pool: N/A (VtR p. 149)

Coils of the Dragon/Coil of the Beast 1 – Chastise the Beast: Spend a Willpower point to resist any kind of frenzy, even after a failed Resolve + Composure roll. Cost: 0. Dice Pool: N/A (VtR p. 149)

Coils of the Dragon/Coil of the Beast 2 – Lure the Beast: “Riding the Wave” (see VtR 181) does not cost Willpower, and requires only three succeeses instead of five. Cost: 0. Dice Pool: N/A (VtR p. 149)

Coils of the Dragon/Coil of the Beast 3 – Exhaust the Beast: Spend an hour in frenzy to avoid any chance of future frenzy for the rest of the night Cost: 0. Dice Pool: N/A (VtR p. 149)


Arcane Sight: Requires Auspex 2, Cruac 1. Detects magic, current enchanments, magic ability. Cost: 1 Vitae/scene. Dice Pool: Wits + Occult + Auspex. (VtR p. 150)

Knowing the Stranger: Requires Auspex 4, Obfuscate 4. Know who subject “sees” under affect of Familiar Stranger. Cost: 1 Vitae. Dice Pool: Intelligence + Empathy + Obfuscate vs Resolve + Blood Potency. (VtR p. 150)

Body of Will: Requires Resilience 3, Vigor 1. Successes equal turns of ignoring wound penalties Cost: 1 Vitae. Dice Pool: Composure + Athletics + Resilience. (VtR p. 151)

Instantaneous Transformation: Requires Celerity 2, Protean 4. Transform and act in the same turn Cost: 1 Vitae + cost of transformation. Dice Pool: Stamina + Survival + Protean. (VtR p. 151)

Iron Façade: Requires Obfuscate 2, Resilience 2. Hide all wounds. Cost: 1 Vitae. Dice Pool: Intelligence + Survival + Obfuscate. (VtR p. 151)

Lessons in the Steel: Requires Auspex 1, Resilience 3. Learn information about opponent who scores a hit. Cost: 1 Vitae. Dice Pool: Resolve + Investigation + Resilience – opponent’s Resolve. (VtR p. 151)

Partial Transformation: Requires Protean 3, Resilience 1. Grow partial beastial features. Cost: 1 Vitae. Dice Pool: N/A. (VtR p. 152)

Quicken Sight: Requires Auspex 1, Celerity 1. See things while moving past them really fast. Cost: 1 Vitae. Dice Pool: N/A. (VtR p. 152)

Touch of Deprivation: Requires Auspex 4, Dominate 2. Shut down one of the subject’s five senses. Cost: 1 Vitae. Dice Pool: Intelligence + Medicine + Auspex vs Resolve + Blood Potency (if subject is unwilling). (VtR p. 153)

Veridcial Tongue: Requires Dominate 2, Majesty 2. Compel subject to only speak the truth (or choose to remain silent). Cost: 1 Vitae. Dice Pool: Presence + Subterfuge + Majesty – subject’s Composure. (VtR p. 153)

Cruac 1 ritual – Pangs of Proserpina: Cause hunger in subject. Cost: 1 Vitae. Dice Pool: Manipulation + Occult + Cruac vs subject’s Composure + Blood Potency (VtR p. 143)

Cruac 1 ritual – Rigor Mortis: Partial hold person; successes = physical pool penalty. Cost: 1 Vitae. Dice Pool: Manipulation + Occult + Cruac (VtR p. 143)

Cruac 2 ritual – Cheval: See or listen through subject’s sight or hearing; one night per success. Cost: 1 Vitae. Dice Pool: Manipulation + Occult + Cruac – subject’s Composure (VtR p. 143)

Cruac 2 ritual – The Hydra’s Vitae: Your vitae becomes poisonous to other Kindred. Cost: 1 Vitae. Dice Pool: Manipulation + Occult + Cruac (VtR p. 143)

Cruac 3 ritual – Deflection of Wooden Doom: You cannot be staked through the heart. Cost: 1 Vitae. Dice Pool: Manipulation + Occult + Cruac (VtR p. 144)

Cruac 3 ritual – Touch of the Morrigan: Touch attack does lethal damage. Cost: 1 Vitae. Dice Pool: Manipulation + Occult + Cruac (VtR p. 144)

Cruac 4 ritual – Blood Price: You get one-third the Vitae the subject consumes when feeding. Cost: 1 Vitae. Dice Pool: Manipulation + Occult + Cruac – subject’s Composure (VtR p. 144)

Cruac 4 ritual – Willfull Vitae: You become immune to Vincilum and blood addiction. Cost: 1 Vitae. Dice Pool: Manipulation + Occult + Cruac (VtR p. 145)

Cruac 5 ritual – Blood Blight: Poisons mortals or destroys Vitae in vampires. Cost: 1 Vitae. Dice Pool: Manipulation + Occult + Cruac – Stamina (VtR p. 145)

Cruac 5 ritual – Feeding the Crone: Your mouth transforms such you may feed through standard attacks instead of needing to grapple first. Cost: 1 Vitae. Dice Pool: Manipulation + Occult + Cruac (VtR p. 145)

Lancea Sanctum only…

Theban Sorcery 1 ritual – Blood Scourge: Creates a magical whip made of blood which can be used as a weapon for physical attacks. Cost: 1 Willpower, offering 1 Vitae. Dice Pool: Intelligence + Academics + Theban Sorcery (VtR p. 146)

Theban Sorcery 1 ritual – Vitae Reliquary: Creates magical container for Vitae. Cost: 1 Willpower, offering container. Dice Pool: Intelligence + Academics + Theban Sorcery (VtR p. 146)

Theban Sorcery 2 ritual – Curse of Babel: Victim cannot speak or write intelligibly. Cost: 1 Willpower, offering a tongue. Dice Pool: Intelligence + Academics + Theban Sorcery – subject’s Resolve (VtR p. 146)

Theban Sorcery 2 ritual – Liar’s Plague: If subject tells a lie during scene, beetles swarm out of the speaker’s mouth. Cost: 1 Willpower, offering bug shell. Dice Pool: Intelligence + Academics + Theban Sorcery – subject’s Resolve or Composure (whichever higher) (VtR p. 147)

Theban Sorcery 3 ritual – Blandishment of Sin: Damage to subject is upgraded (bruised to lethal; lethal to aggravated). Cost: 1 Willpower, offering name written on paper. Dice Pool: Intelligence + Academics + Theban Sorcery – subject’s Resolve (VtR p. 147)

Theban Sorcery 3 ritual – Malediction of Despair: A specific action set on a specific subject only gets chance roll (1 die) on next attempt. Cost: 1 Willpower, offering lock of subject’s hair. Dice Pool: Intelligence + Academics + Theban Sorcery – subject’s Resolve (VtR p. 147)

Theban Sorcery 4 ritual – Gift of Lazarus: Animates a corpse into a crappy zombie. Cost: 1 Willpower, offering communion wafer. Dice Pool: Intelligence + Academics + Theban Sorcery (VtR p. 147)

Theban Sorcery 4 ritual – Stigmata: Subject bleeds from wrists, feet, side; causes lethal damage to mortals, Vitae loss to vampires. Cost: 1 Willpower, offering crucifix. Dice Pool: Intelligence + Academics + Theban Sorcery – subject’s Stamina (VtR p. 147)

Theban Sorcery 5 ritual – Transubstantiation: Limited polymorph any object; subject must be within arm’s reach. Cost: 1 Willpower, offering drop of liquid gold. Dice Pool: Intelligence + Academics + Theban Sorcery – subject’s Stamina (VtR p. 148)

Theban Sorcery 5 ritual – Wrathful Judgment: Divine fire burns vampire subject for aggravated damage and destroys Vitae; doesn’t work on non-vampires; caster must pluck out own eye or cut off own hand. Cost: 1 Willpower/turn casting, offering own body part. Dice Pool: Intelligence + Academics + Theban Sorcery – subject’s Stamina (VtR p. 148)

Ordo Dracul only…

Coils of the Dragon/Coil of Blood 1 – Blood Seeps Slowly: You need one less Vitae to wake compared to the usual rules. Cost: 0. Dice Pool: N/A (VtR p. 149)

Coils of the Dragon/Coil of Blood 2 – Blood of Beasts: You may continue to gain vitae from feeding on animals and humans, regardless of Blood Potency. Cost: 0. Dice Pool: N/A (VtR p. 149)

Coils of the Dragon/Coil of Blood 3 – Perspicacious Blood: You gain three Vitae for every two you take from humans, and double consumed from Kindred or other supernatural vessels. Cost: 0. Dice Pool: N/A (VtR p. 149)

Coils of the Dragon/Coil of Bones 1 – Conquer the Red Flame: Gain +2 bonus to resist fear frenzy triggered by sunlight or fire. Cost: 0. Dice Pool: N/A (VtR p. 149)

Coils of the Dragon/Coil of Bones 2 – Surmounting the Daysleep: Spend Willpower point to remain awake all day; Humanity still caps dice pools. Cost: 0. Dice Pool: N/A (VtR p. 149)

Coils of the Dragon/Coil of Bones 3 – Sun’s Forgotten Kiss: Sunlight at twilight or dawn causes only bashing damage, not aggravated. Cost: 0. Dice Pool: N/A (VtR p. 149)

Coils of the Dragon/Coil of the Beast 1 – Chastise the Beast: Spend a Willpower point to resist any kind of frenzy, even after a failed Resolve + Composure roll. Cost: 0. Dice Pool: N/A (VtR p. 149)

Coils of the Dragon/Coil of the Beast 2 – Lure the Beast: “Riding the Wave” (see VtR 181) does not cost Willpower, and requires only three succeeses instead of five. Cost: 0. Dice Pool: N/A (VtR p. 149)

Coils of the Dragon/Coil of the Beast 3 – Exhaust the Beast: Spend an hour in frenzy to avoid any chance of future frenzy for the rest of the night Cost: 0. Dice Pool: N/A (VtR p. 149)