Fast Traveller Rules 0.6

Part of an ongoing series to simplify and re-edit the original Traveller RPG rules….

The following guidelines were created in the early 2000s for quick convention and “bar league” games based off Marc Miller’s original 1977 rules found in The Traveller Book (ISBN-10: 0139302557, ISBN-13: 978-0139302558) and various CT supplements. They could also work as a simplified introduction to Mongoose Publishing’s 2008 Traveller Core Rulebook (ISBN-10: 190610333X, ISBN-13: 978-1906103330) or their 2016 version (ISBN-10: 1908460520, ISBN-13: 978-1908460523).

Related Posts:
About My Traveller Universe
Rules For Starship Combat
Rules For Psionics

Illustrations below are from The Traveller Book.


travellerMost games of Traveller center around either a merchant crew with a 200-ton Beowulf-class Free Trader starship or a freelance soldier squad in an 800-ton Broadsword-class mercenary cruiser. Either group can be hired for missions taking them to remote star systems for fun and profit.

Although the human-dominated part of the galaxy is ruled by the Imperium, what happens down on individual planets is considered “local business” beneath the concern of the interstellar empire. Lots of trouble can be found between the stars, and there’s always someone rich willing to pay good money to someone else in order to deal with that trouble.

For more background about the “original” Classic Traveller setting, see:


Traveller uses six-sided dice, typically adding the total of all dice rolled to measure success or results. Number of dice rolled are often abbreviated 1D, 2D, 3D or so forth (meaning roll one, two or three dice and add them together). For these rules, the common notation of 1d6, 2d6, 3d6, etcetera, is used the same way.


An “average” rating in a characteristic grants a +1 bonus to an action dice roll. A new character starts with +1 in each of the following six characteristics:

* Strength: Physical ability, lifting, carrying.
* Dexterity: Physical coordination, reflexes.
* Endurance: Physical determination, stamina.
* Intelligence: IQ, memory, reasoning.
* Education: Technical and academic training.
* Social Standing: Recognized status and class of family or individual.

Optional Bonus Swap: Due to cybernetics, alien species, genetic engineering, planetary homeworld or other background, a character can start with +2 in one characteristic and +0 in another.
* If Strength +2, then brawling/blades attacks also does +1 die of damage per hit.
* Social Standing +2 indicates noble rank (baron or better).
* Social Standing +0 is reserved for criminals and robots lacking rights in society.

Aliens: Under these rules, species and homeworld of origin do not affect base characteristics. However, some species gain minor benefits over the “standard” baseline:
* Aslan: Dewclaw (as dagger, listed under “WEAPONS”)
* Droyne: Flight (same speed as walking)
* Hivers: Infra-red vision (see in low-light)
* Vargr: Bite (as bite, listed under “WEAPONS”)

Psionics: A rare seventh characteristic, Psi, measures psionic ability. See for more info.


workingA new character starts with a total of six (6) points to be divided up as bonus points among two or more of the following skills. For example, a character may have one skill at +5 and another at +1, or three skills at +2, or any combination.

Some situations allow characters to attempt use of these skills without any training, while other cases may require a minimum of +1 bonus or higher.

* Administration: Dealing with various officials, or briding them.
* Brawling/Blades: Fighting with fists, kicks, and melee weapons such as cutlasses.
* Engineering: Designing and repairing all kinds of machines, especially starship systems.
* Heavy Weaponry: Using starship-mounted weapons, field artillery and squad support weapons (PGMPs and FGMPs).
* Medical: Diagnosing and healing lifeforms, xenobiology, drugs, biological research.
* Personal Weaponry: Shooting guns of all kinds: body pistols, assault rifles, etc.
* Planetary Vehicle Ops: Driving land cars, speeders, boats, planes or air-raft vehicles.
* Starship Ops: Maneuvering large and small spacecraft, plotting interstellar jumps, using sensors.
* Streetwise: Dealing with locals, gambling and gathering information from informal contacts
* Survival: Finding water and food, plotting navigation on a planetary surface.
* Tactics: Military leadership to coordinate squads of soldiers or fleets of starships against enemy forces.
* Trade: Assessing cargo value, negotiating commerce deals, and conducting transactions.

NOTE: The above skill descriptions greatly simplify the skill lists found in other Traveller editions. For example, electronics, mechanics, gravatics, robotics, vehicles, computer use and programming (seperate skills in most Traveller editions) here all fit under the single “Engineering” skill.

Automatic Skills: Regardless of points in the various skills listed above, all space-worthy Traveller characters share the following common knowledge about getting by in the universe, typically without needing any dice check to use:
* Basic use of a vacc suit (standard issue spacesuit).
* Recognizing the major species of sophants (the “big six” alien races).
* Familiarity with routine starport procedures (screenings, inspections, cargo handling, etc.).
* Fluency in galactic standard language (Anglic).
* Familiarity with Imperial banking standards and currencies (credits, megacredits).
* Familiarity with Tech Level 14 technology (recognize and understand use, even if not proficient).
* General knowledge about the Imperium (domains, broad history, social status system).


Actions are revolved by rolling two six-sided dice and adding one appropriate Characteristic modifier (usually +1), one appropriate Skill level (+0 to +6 or more) and any situational modifiers called for by the game master (-1 or more, or +1 or more). For some ability checks, the skill and situation modifiers may be ignored.

Task Roll = 2d6 + one characteristic modifier + one skill modifier + situational modifiers

* Processing departure clearance from a starport: 2d6 + Intelligence modifier + Administration skill
* Shoot a pistol at target at long range: 2d6 + Dexterity modifier + Personal Weaponry skill – 3
* Open a stuck hatch: 2d6 + Strength (no skill applies)

Common situational modifiers…
* -3 … hasty effort (cut time by half)
* +3 … cautious effort (double time of task)
* -3 … firearm or personal energy weapon at its maximum range

Total of two six-sided dice and all modifiers.
* 5 or less … no success possible
* 6 to 7 … succeed at easy tasks
* 8 to 9 … succeed at average tasks
* 10 to 11 … succeed at difficult tasks
* 12 to 13 … succeed as staggeringly difficult tasks
* 14 to 15 … succeed at “impossible” tasks
* 16 or more … succeed as “hopeless” tasks


Results Way Above Target Number: For tasks with a specific minimum task result total needed, if the total result (dice + modifiers) equal 6 or more above the target number, the result gains some sort of significant bonus. For example, a typical attack roll needs a result of 8 or more to hit, but a result of 14 or more earns improved damage.

Enhanced results can include any of the following (player’s choice):
* A task is completed in half the time.
* A task is complete for half the cost (in credits or use of fuel or parts).
* Extra information is learned from a person or data source (ask 1d6 extra questions from GM about situation).
* In combat, any rolled damage dice showing a 1 or 2 are rerolled until each shows a 3 or higher.

Rolling a 2: If a task check dice roll results in 2, some negative consequence happens even if the task succeeds due to high characteristic and skill modifiers. For example, a tool used in the task might break, a weapon jams or runs out of ammunition, an bribe attempt buys access but gets noticed by law enforcement monitors, a fraction of cargo turns out to be ruined or mislabelled, and so forth.

Rolling a 12: If a task check dice roll results in 12, some positive consequence happens, even if the task still fails due to high difficulty. For example, a missed shot hits a volatile piece of machinery near the target and catches fire, a negotiator refuses an offer but likes the character enough to later offer different help, a bureaucrat refunds application fees in full, a search for safe shelter instead finds a hidden cache of unrelated gear, and so forth.


Each 15-second combat round, a character can move 20 meters (about 65 feet) while performing other actions, or simply run 40 meters (130 feet). Actions include firing a weapon, piloting a starship, repairing a damaged control panel, and so forth.


medical02The ability of a character to survive damage and trauma is measured by Life Points (basically same as “hit points” from other role-playing games). Most characters start with 21 life points that can be lost due to injury or disease. As damage happens, shock and trauma cause a character’s physical abilities to becomes impaired. Medical aid and rest recover lost life points and remove penalties.

* Unhurt (21 life points): No hinderance.
* Superficial Wounds (14 to 20 life points): No hinderance. Easy (6+) Medical check to recover 2 life points per hour, else else regain 1 point per hour.
* Light Wounds (7 to 13 life points): Unconscious for 3d6 minutes when first dropping into this range, then -1 modifier to Strength, Dexterity or Endurance (player picks one) until back into the Superficial range. For recovery, Average (8+) Medical check needed to recover 2 life points per day, else 1 point per day.
* Serious Wounds (1 to 6 life points): Unconscious for 1d6 hours when first dropping into this range, then -1 modifier to two characteristics chosen among Strength, Dexterity or Endurance (player picks two). For recovery, Difficult (10+) Medical check to recover 2 life points per day, else 1 point per day.
* Death (0 or less life points): A Difficult (10+) Medical check must successfully be made within 8 minutes to recover to 1 life point, improving condition to Serious Wounds. If no successful check is made, death is permanent.
* Destroyed (“-21 or less” points): If a creature suffers a total 42 or more points of damage, dropping health to -21 or under, there is nothing physically left to save and recovery is impossible.

Tougher Characters & Creatures: such physically enhanced beings with one +2 rating in Strength, Dexterity or Endurance have more life point at each health condition level, but recovery rules stay the same: Superficial Wounds (19 to 27), Light Wounds (10 to 18), Serious Wounds (1 to 9), Destroyed at “-28” damage.

Superior characters and creatures with two +2 ratings among Strength, Dexterity or Endurance have even more life point at each health condition level, but again recovery rules stay the same: Superficial Wounds (23 to 34), Light Wounds (12 to 22), Serious Wounds (1 to 11), Destroyed at “-35” damage.


Use the following distance benchmarks for setting range limits on weapons, communication devices and personal sensors.

* Talking (1m to 3m)
* Close (3m to 25m) … maximum reach of hand-to-hand or melee attacks
* Short (25m to 100m)
* Medium (100m to 300m) … maximum range of a body pistol
* Long (300m to 750m) … maximum range of an automatic pistol
* Very Long (750m to 3km) … maximum range of rifles and squad weapons (PGMP and FGMP)
* Distant (3 km to 25 km)
* Very Distant (25km to 250km)
* Orbit (250km to 1,000km)
* Far Orbit (1,000km to 100,000km)


Although using some similar terms, the scale of distances for use with starships is much bigger.

* Close (within 1 km) … covers Long to Very Long personal ranges
* Short (1,000s km) … covers Distant to Orbit personal ranges
* Medium (10,000s km)
* Long (100,000s km) … range of civilian sensors and turret beam weapons in space
* Distant (millions km) … range of military/scout sensors and missile weapons in space
* Subsystem (100s millions km)
* System (billions km)
* Parsec (trillions km, 3.26 light years) … range of starship FTL jump
* Subsector (10s light years)
* Sector (100s light years)


solider* Roll 2d6 + Dexterity + Tactics skill for initiative, highest results act first in turn order for duration of combat. (Do not re-roll each round for personal combat.)
* During each 15-second turn, move 20m and make action, or move 40m.
* An attack roll of 8 or more is needed to hit a target.
* Any hit does “X” number of 6-sided dice in damage, minus dice absorbed or deflected by the target’s armor.
* Damage that gets through armor reduces a target’s life points.

Natural Weaponry: Can only be used to attack targets in close range (within 25 meters, or much less if attacker cannot move to reach). Attack roll = 2d6 + Strength + Brawling/Blades skill.
* 1d6 damage: Base hands, punch, kick.
* 2d6 damage: Claws, teeth, horns, hooves, thrasher attacks.
* 3d6 damage: Stinger attack (piercing and poison damage).

Melee Weapons: Can only be used to attack targets in close range (within 25 meters, or much less if attacker cannot move to reach). Attack roll = 2d6 + Strength + Brawling/Blades skill.
* 1d6 damage: Foil (100 cr)
* 2d6 damage: Bayonet (10 cr), blade (50 cr), club (free), cudgel (10 cr), dagger (10 cr), spear (10 cr), sword (150 cr)
* 3d6 damage: cutlass (100 cr), halberd (75 cr), pike (40 cr)
* 4d6 damage: broadsword (300 cr)

Medium-Range Personal Weapons: Can be used to attack targets in Close to Short range at no penalty, and -5 to hit targets in Medium range (100m to 300m). Attack roll = 2d6 + Dexterity + Personal Weaponry skill.
* 3d6 damage: Body pistol (500 cr)

Long-Range Personal Weapons: Can be used to attack targets in Close to Medium range at no penalty, and -4 to hit targets in Long range (300m to 750m). Attack roll = 2d6 + Dexterity + Personal Weaponry skill.
* 3d6 damage: Automatic Pistol (200 cr), revolver (150 cr), submachinegun single/burst shots (500 cr)
* 4d6 damage: Shotgun (150 cr), submachinegun full auto (500 cr)

Very Long-Range Personal Weapons: Can be used to attack targets in Close to Long range at no penalty, and -3 to hit targets in Very Long range (750m to 3,000m). Attack roll = 2d6 + Dexterity + Personal Weaponry skill.
* 3d6 damage: Carbine (-5 at Very Long range) (200 cr)
* 3d6 damage: Assault rifie (300 cr), automatic rifle single/burst (1,000 cr), rifle (200 cr).
* 4d6 damage: Automatic rifle full auto (1,000 cr), laser carbine (2,500 cr), light assault gun (LAG) (600 cr), advanced combat rifle (ACR) (1,000 cr), gauss rifle/coilgun (never jams) (1,500 cr)
* 5d6 damage: Laser rifle (1,000 cr)
* 8d8 damage: RAM high explosive grenade (minimum 25m range to target)

Very Long-Range Heavy Ballistic Weapons: Can be used to attack targets in Close to Long range at no penalty, and -3 to hit targets in Very Long range (750m to 3,000m). Attack roll = 2d6 + Dexterity + Heavy Weaponry skill.
* 3d6 damage: Light machine gun (1,200 cr)
* 8d8 damage: Auto-cannon (10,000 cr)
* 10d6 damage: VRF gauss gun/coilgun: (never jams) (200,000 cr)

Very Long-Range Heavy Plasma Weapons: Must be wearing protective powered armor to use. Cannot aim at targets within 25m distance. Can be used to attack targets in Short to Long range (25m to 750m) at no penalty, and -4 to hit targets in Very Long range (750m to 3,000m). Damage drops off rapidly at range. Attack roll = 2d6 + Dexterity + Heavy Weaponry skill.
* Plasma Gun Man Portable (PGMP-12): 10 dice medium range; 5 dice long; 2 dice very long (10,000 cr)
* Plasma Gun Man Portable (PGMP-13): 12 dice medium range; 6 dice long; 3 dice very long (65,000 cr)
* Fusion Gun Man Portable (FGMP-14): 16 dice medium and long range; 4 dice very long (100,000 cr)

Add-on equipment modifiers…
* Telescopic Sights: Adds +2 bonus at Long and Very Long ranges (200 cr)
* Electronic Sights: Adds +3 bonus at Long and Very Long ranges (2,000 cr)
* Silencer: Suppresses noise from ballistic firearms (200 cr)


Use armor values to subtract dice of damage from successful attacks before rolling. If armor reduces dice to zero, the armor completely protects from the weapon.

* Jack, Mesh or Flak Jacket: -1 die per hit; 100 cr
* Ablat: -1 die first hit, or -3 dice versus first laser hit; destroyed thereafter
* Cloth: -2 dice per hit
* Vacc Suit TL 8: -2 dice per hit
* Vacc Suit TL 12 to 14: -3 dice per hit
* Body Pressure Suit: -1 die per hit
* Hostile Environment Vacc Suit TL 8 or 9: -3 dice per hit
* Hostile Environment Vacc Suit TL 12 or 13: -4 dice per hit
* Hostile Environment Vacc Suit TL 14: -5 dice per hit
* Combat Environment Suit TL 10: -3 dice per hit; 1,000 cr
* Combat Armor (Battlesuit) TL 11: -4 dice per hit; 20,000 cr
* Combat Armor (Battlesuit) TL 12: -5 dice per hit
* Combat Armor (Battlesuit) TL 14: -9 dice per hit
* Battle Dress (Huge Battlesuit) TL 13: -5 dice per hit
* Battle Dress (Huge Battlesuit) TL 14: -9 dice per hit


* Characteristics: Standard +1
* Skills: Administation +1, Starship Ops +2, Trade +3
* Life Points: 21
* Gear: 5,000 Cr, Cutlass, Body Pistol
* Characteristics: Standard +1
* Skills: Brawling/Blades +1, Personal Weaponry +1, Starship Ops +1, Survival +3
* Life Points: 21
* Gear: 5,000 Cr, Cutlass, Body Pistol
* Characteristics: Standard +1
* Skills: Administation +1, Heavy Weaponry +1, Starship Ops +4
* Life Points: 21
* Gear: 5,000 Cr, Blade, Body Pistol
* Characteristics: Standard +1
* Skills: Engineering +3, Heavy Weaponry +1, Planetary Vehicle Ops +1, Starship Ops +1
* Life Points: 21
* Gear: 5,000 Cr, Knife, Body Pistol
* Characteristics: Standard +1
* Skills: Heavy Weaponry +3, Personal Weaponry +1, Starship Ops +1, Tactics +1
* Life Points: 21
* Gear: 5,000 Cr, Body Pistol
* Characteristics: Standard +1
* Skills: Engineering +1, Personal Weaponry +1, Planetary Vehicle Ops +1, Starship Ops +3
* Life Points: 21
* Gear: 5,000 Cr, Body Pistol
* Characteristics: Intelligence +2, others standard +1
* Skills: Engineering +1, Medical +3,
* Life Points: 21
* Gear: 5,000 Cr
* Characteristics: Standard +1
* Skills: Brawling/Blades +1, Heavy Weaponry +1, Personal Weaponry +3, Streetwise +1
* Life Points: 21
* Gear: 5,000 Cr, Cutlass, Assault Rifle, Combat Armor
* Characteristics: Strength +2, others standard +1
* Skills: Brawling/Blades +2, Heavy Weaponry +2, Personal Weaponry +1, Streetwise +1
* Life Points: 28
* Gear: 5,000 Cr, Cutlass, Assault Rifle, Combat Armor
* Characteristics: Standard +1
* Skills: Heavy Weaponry +1, Personal Weaponry +1, Planetary Vehicle Ops +3, Starship Ops +1
* Life Points: 21
* Gear: 5,000 Cr, Cutlass, Assault Rifle, Combat Armor
* Characteristics: Standard +1
* Skills: Engineering +1, Heavy Weaponry +1, Personal Weaponry +1, Planetary Vehicle Ops +3
* Life Points: 21
* Gear: 5,000 Cr, Cutlass, Body Pistol
* Characteristics: Standard +1
* Skills: Brawling/Blades +1, Heavy Weaponry +2, Personal Weaponry +3
* Life Points: 21
* Gear: 5,000 Cr, Cutlass, PGMP-10, Battle Dress-13 Armor
* Characteristics: Standard +1
* Skills: Brawling/Blades +1, Heavy Weaponry +1, Medical +2, Personal Weaponry +1, Survival +1
* Life Points: 21
* Gear: 5,000 Cr, Cutlass, Body Pistol
* Characteristics: Dexterity +2, Intelligence +0, others standard +1
* Skills: Brawling/Blades +1, Streetwise +1, Survival +1, Tactics +1
* Life Points: 28
* Gear: 5,000 Cr, Cutlass, Assault Rifle, Combat Armor
* Characteristics: Standard +1
* Skills: Heavy Weaponry +1, Personal Weaponry +5
* Life Points: 21
* Gear: 5,000 Cr, Cutlass, Assault Rifle, Combat Armor
* Characteristics: Standard +1
* Skills: Brawling/Blades +1, Heavy Weaponry +1, Personal Weaponry +1, Tactics +2
* Life Points: 21
* Gear: 5,000 Cr, Cutlass, Assault Rifle, Combat Armor





See The Traveller Book (available from DriveThruRPG), Mongoose Traveller (books on DTRPG), or whichever full core rulebook you prefer.