In “Star Trek: The Original Series” (TOS), the Federation and Starfleet operate at Tech Level 18/19. “Star Trek: The Next Generation” (TNG) is firmly TL 19.
Federation Starfleet character positions…
* Command Officer: Administration +2, Starship Ops +2, Tactics +2.
* Engineering Officer: Engineering +3, Heavy Weaponry +1, Planetary Vehicle Ops +1, Starship Ops +1.
* Medical Officer: Intelligence +2; Engineering +1, Medical +3.
* Navigation/Helm Officer: Engineering +1, Heavy Weaponry +1, Starship Ops +4.
* Science Officer: Engineering +2, Medical +1, Starship Ops +2, Survival +1.
* Tactical Officer: Heavy Weaponry +3, Starship Ops +1, Tactics +2.
Other Starfleet crew (“red shirts”)…
* Operations: Administration +1, Engineering +1, Personal Weaponry +1, Planetary Vehicle Ops +1, Starship Ops +2.
* Marine: Brawling/Blades +1, Heavy Weaponry +1, Personal Weaponry +3, Planetary Vehicle Ops +1.
* Security: Brawling/Blades +2, Heavy Weaponry +1, Personal Weaponry +2, Starship Ops +1,
Other character types…
* Colonist: Engineering +1, Planetary Vehicle Ops +2, Survival +3.
* Diplomat/Noble: Social Status +2; Administration +2, Trade +2.
* Merchant Captain: Administation +1, Starship Ops +2, Trade +3.
* Pirate: Social Status +0; Brawling/Blades +2, Heavy Weaponry +1, Personal Weaponry +2, Starship Ops +1, Streetwise +2.
* Rogue Trader: Administration +1, Personal Weaponry +1, Starship Ops +1, Streetwise +1, Trade +2.
* Smuggler: Social Status +0; Administration +1, Brawling/Blades +2, Personal Weaponry +2, Starship Ops +1, Trade +2.
For reference, Starfleet Ranks (Officer / Enlisted)…
* Social Status +2 … O11 Grand Admiral
* Social Status +2 … O10 Fleet Admiral
* Social Status +2 … O9 Vice Admiral
* Social Status +2 … O8 Rear Admiral
* Social Status +2 … O7 Fleet Captain or Commodore
* Social Status +1 … O6 Captain
* Social Status +1 … O5 Commander / E10 Command Master Chief
* Social Status +1 … O4 Lt. Commander / E7 Chief Petty Officer
* Social Status +1 … O3 Senior Lieutenant / E5 Petty Officer 2nd Class
* Social Status +1 … O2 Junior Lieutenant / E3 Crewman or Lance Corporal
* Social Status +1 … O1 Ensign / E1 Recruit or Private
Common Federation racial species…
* Humans (aka Earth people, Terrans)
* Vulcans (pointed ears, logical, green blood)
* Andorians (white hair, blue skin, antennae)
* Tellarites (hairy faces, pig-like snouts)
* Betazoids (dark-haired, psionics common)
* Orions (green-skinned, reputation for piracy)
* Trill (symbiotic species of worm and humanoid)
Outside the Federation…
* Cardassian (imperialist, ridges up faces)
* Ferengi (big ears, culture based on trade)
* Klingons (ridges up face and head, culture of conflict and honor)
* Romulans (dark skin, pointed ears, totalitarian culture, paranoid)
* Gorn (lizard-humanoids, small but hostile pocket empire)
* Kzinti (cat-like humanoids, warrior culture)
* Tholians (beings who live in crystal shells, extremely xenophobic)
* Rigelians (race with broad contacts across many species)
Starship Ranges…
* Close (within 1 km) … tractor beam pulling millions of tons
* Short (1,000s km) … tractor beam pulling hundreds of tons
* Medium (10,000s km) … tractor beam pulling less than 1 ton, range of transporters
* Long (100,000s km) … starship phaser range
* Distant (millions km) … photon torpedo weapon range
* Subsystem (100s millions km)
* System (billions km)
* Parsec (trillions km, 3.26 light years) … max. reach of ship sensors (hi-res under 5 l.y.; 1.5 hours to scan max. of 17 l.y.)
Starship travel times…
(times lightspeed, light years per day, parsecs per week)
* Standard Orbit (synchronous orbit around Earth) … 9,600 kph *
(* One would think this speed would vary depending on the size of the planet in order to stay geosynchronous/directly above an away team on the world’s surface.)
* Impulse Power (open to a lot of debate)
* Warp Factor 1 (1c) … 0.02 ly/day (0.01 pc/week)
* Warp Factor 2 (10c) … 0.03 ly/day (0.05 pc/week)
* Warp Factor 3 (39c) … 0.1 ly/day (0.25 pc/week)
* Warp Factor 4 (102c) … 0.3 ly/day (0.5 pc/week)
* Warp Factor 5 (214c) … 0.6 ly/day (1.25 pc/week)
* Warp Factor 6 (392c) … 1.0 ly/day (2.5 pc/week)
* Warp Factor 7 (656c) … 1.8 ly/day (4 pc/week)
* Warp Factor 8 (1024c) … 2.8 ly/day (6 pc/week)
* Warp Factor 9 (1516c) … 4.1 ly/day (9 pc/week)
* Warp Factor 9.2 (1649c) … 4.5 ly/day (10 pc/week)
* Warp Factor 9.6 (1909c) … 5.2 ly/day (11 pc/week)
* Warp Factor 9.9 (3053c) … 8.4 ly/day (18 pc/week)
* Warp Factor 9.9999 (200,000c) … 547 ly/day (1,173 pc/week) (speed of “subspace radio”)
Borg Cube via Transwarp (7912c) … 21.6 ly/day (46.5 pc/week)
(Rule of Thumb: Star Trek weapons have 1/3 the firepower of Star Wars weapons, but have x10 the range.)
Most TOS Starfleet cruisers (Constitution-class like the Enterprise, or Miranda-class like the Reliant) have 2,250 Structure Points.
By the time of TNG, ships were bigger and even more advanced (Starfleet’s Galaxy-class Enterprise-D, or the Klingon Vor’Cha class heavy attack cruiser) with 4,500 Structure Points. The Borg cube seen at the Battle of Wolf 359 had 80,000 Structure Points.
From TOS Starfleet Manual book…
Phaser Pistol Ranges
* Overload Blast Radius … 135m
* De-Materialize … 30m
* Disrupt … 60m
* Heat … 6m
* Stun … 90