Marvel Superheroes FASERIP Redux


These variant rules simplify Jeff Grubb’s 1986 tabletop role-playing game rules into a generic system for use with any setting. Notable changes:

* The base seven abilities, Health, and Karma remain, but Popularity and Resources have been dropped.
* The list of “talents” is reduced to 14 broad categories.
* Weapon damages have been simplified.
* Character creation is wholly revised.



The Marvel Superheroes Role-Playing Game rates abilities by descriptive ranks, each used to roll percentile dice (d100) to measure results on the Universal Results Table. The blocks below display the same number ranges in an alternate format.

* 1 to 3 … Failure (White); win vs. Unearthly or less intensity
* 4 to 35 … Minor Success (Green); win vs. Shift X or Shift Y intensity
* 36 to 75 … Major Success (Yellow); win vs. Shift Z intensity
* 76 to 100 … Extreme Success (Red)
* Effect: 500

* 1 to 6 … Failure (White); win vs. Monstrous or less intensity
* 7 to 40 … Minor Success (Green); win vs. Unearthly or Shift X intensity
* 41 to 80 … Major Success (Yellow); win vs. Shift Y intensity
* 81 to 100 … Extreme Success (Red); win vs. Shift Z intensity
* Effect: 200

* 1 to 10 … Failure (White); win vs. Amazing or less intensity
* 11 to 40 … Minor Success (Green); win vs. Monstrous or Unearthly intensity
* 41 to 80 … Major Success (Yellow); win vs. Shift X intensity
* 81 to 100 … Extreme Success (Red); win vs. Shift Y intensity
* Effect: 150

* 1 to 15 … Failure (White); win vs. Incredible or less intensity
* 16 to 45 … Minor Success (Green); win vs. Amazing or Monstrous intensity
* 46 to 85 … Major Success (Yellow); win vs. Unearthly intensity
* 86 to 100 … Extreme Success (Red); win vs. Shift X intensity
* Effect: 100

* 1 to 20 … Failure (White); win vs. Remarkable or less intensity
* 21 to 50 … Minor Success (Green); win vs. Incredible or Amazing intensity
* 51 to 85 … Major Success (Yellow); win vs. Monstrous intensity
* 86 to 100 … Extreme Success (Red); win vs. Unearthly intensity
* Effect: 75

* 1 to 25 … Failure (White); win vs. Excellent or less intensity
* 26 to 55 … Minor Success (Green); win vs. Remarkable or Incredible intensity
* 56 to 90 … Major Success (Yellow); win vs. Amazing intensity
* 91 to 100 … Extreme Success (Red); win vs. Monstrous intensity
* Effect: 50

* 1 to 30 … Failure (White); win vs. Good or less intensity
* 31 to 60 … Minor Success (Green); win vs. Excellent or Remarkable intensity
* 61 to 90 … Major Success (Yellow); win vs. Incredible intensity
* 91 to 100 … Extreme Success (Red); win vs. Amazing intensity
* Effect: 40

* 1 to 35 … Failure (White); win vs. Typical or less intensity
* 36 to 65 … Minor Success (Green); win vs. Good or Excellent intensity
* 66 to 94 … Major Success (Yellow); win vs. Remarkable intensity
* 95 to 100 … Extreme Success (Red); win vs. Incredible intensity
* Effect: 30

* 1 to 40 … Failure (White); win vs. Poor or less intensity
* 41 to 70 … Minor Success (Green); win vs. Typical or Good intensity
* 71 to 94 … Major Success (Yellow); win vs. Excellent intensity
* 95 to 100 … Extreme Success (Red); win vs. Remarkable intensity
* Effect: 20

* 1 to 45 … Failure (White); win vs. Feeble or less intensity
* 46 to 75 … Minor Success (Green); win vs. Poor or Typical intensity
* 76 to 97 … Major Success (Yellow); win vs. Good intensity
* 98 to 100 … Extreme Success (Red); win vs. Excellent intensity
* Effect: 10

* 1 to 50 … Failure (White)
* 51 to 80 … Minor Success (Green); win vs. Feeble or Poor intensity
* 81 to 97 … Major Success (Yellow); win vs. Typical intensity
* 98 to 100 … Extreme Success (Red); win vs. Good intensity
* Effect: 6

* 1 to 55 … Failure (White); win vs. Shift Zero or less intensity
* 56 to 85 … Minor Success (Green); win vs. Feeble intensity
* 86 to 99 … Major Success (Yellow); win vs. Poor intensity
* 100 … Extreme Success (Red); win vs. Typical intensity
* Effect: 4

* 1 to 60 … Failure (White)
* 61 to 90 … Minor Success (Green); win vs. Shift Zero intensity
* 91 to 99 … Major Success (Yellow); win vs. Feeble intensity
* 100 … Extreme Success (Red); win vs. Poor intensity
* Effect: 2

* 1 to 65 … Failure (White)
* 66 to 94 … Minor Success (Green)
* 95 to 99 … Major Success (Yellow); win vs. Shift Zero intensity
* 100 … Extreme Success (Red)
* Effect: 0

* Normal humans can only have up to Excellent rank in any ability.
* Character equipped with high technology can have up to Remarkable abilities.
* Mutants or altered humans can have up to Amazing abilities.
* Robots and aliens can have up to Monstrous abilities.
* Cosmic entities can have up to Class 5000 abilities.


* +1 CS: Advantage, increase rank by one.
* -1 CS: Disadvantage, lower rank by one.
* Talent: If fits action, increase rank by one (as +1 CS).

Note: Shift Z is normally the highest an ability can be modified by Class Shifts. Class 1000 to Beyond is only used for Cosmic Entities.

* +2 CS … Very Easy
* +1 CS … Easy
* +0 CS … Medium
* -1 CS … Hard
* -2 CS … Very Hard
* -3 CS … Nearly Impossible


Before making a success check, a character may spend 10 or more Karma points and g,1in a +2 or better bonus to the roll. Every 5 Karma points adds another +1, so 15 Karma grants a +3 bonus, 20 Karma +4, and so forth. This use of Karma must be declared before the dice are rolled.


Individuals may help each other in performing tasks using the same or complimenting ability or power. If the lower of the two characters is within one rank of the higher, the character with the higher ability receives a +1 CS benefit to the check.


Characters of very high ranks (including abilities boosted by CS modifiers) may attempt multiple actions in the same round. This bonus requires all related abilities to meet the minimum rank noted below.

* Amazing or better … 3 action/round
* Remarkable or Incredible … 2 attacks/round
* Excellent or less … 1 attack/round


Beings beyond mortal limits (elder things, celestials, deities, and so forth) can use the following ranks…

* 1 … Failure (White)
* 2 to 20 … Minor Success (Green)
* 21 to 60 … Major Success (Yellow)
* 61 to 100 … Extreme Success (Red)
* Effect: Infinite

CLASS 5000 (RANK 15)
* 1 … Failure (White)
* 2 to 25 … Minor Success (Green)
* 26 to 65 … Major Success (Yellow)
* 66 to 100 … Extreme Success (Red)
* Effect: 5000

CLASS 3000 (RANK 15)
* 1 … Failure (White)
* 2 to 30 … Minor Success (Green)
* 31 to 70 … Major Success (Yellow)
* 71 to 100 … Extreme Success (Red)
* Effect: 2000

CLASS 1000 (RANK 14)
* 1 … Failure (White)
* 2 to 35 … Minor Success (Green)
* 36 to 75 … Major Success (Yellow)
* 76 to 100 … Extreme Success (Red)
* Effect: 1000

Minimum d100 roll needed for Minor / Major / Extreme Success (aka Green / Yellow / Red Results).

* Beyond [ 02 / 21 / 61 ] (Effect: Infinite)
* Class 5000 [ 02 / 26 / 66 ] (Effect: 5000)
* Class 3000 [ 02 / 31 / 71 ] (Effect: 2000)
* Class 1000 [ 02 / 36 / 76 ] (Effect: 1000)

* Shift Z [ 04 / 36 / 76 ] (Effect: 500)
* Shift Y [ 07 / 41 / 81 ] (Effect: 200)
* Shift X [ 11 / 41 / 81 ] (Effect: 150)
* Unearthly [ 16 / 46 / 86 ] (Effect: 100)
* Monstrous [ 21 / 51 / 86 ] (Effect: 75)
* Amazing [ 26 / 56 / 91 ] (Effect: 50)
* Incredible [ 31 / 61 / 91 ] (Effect: 40)
* Remarkable [ 36 / 66 / 95 ] (Effect: 30)
* Excellent [ 41 / 71 / 95 ] (Effect: 20)
* Good [ 46 / 76 / 98 ] (Effect: 10)
* Typical [ 51 / 81 / 98 ] (Effect: 6)
* Poor [ 56 / 86 / 100 ] (Effect: 4)
* Feeble [ 61 / 91 / 100 ] (Effect: 2)
* Shift Zero [ 66 / 95 / 100 ] (Effect: 0)


Game world distances are simplified from specific measurements to rough “areas.” Typically such an area of open space is about 45 yards, less if obstacles are present.

Movement rates are given for 6-second rounds and are based on a character’s current Endurance, which could be lower than normal due to life-threatening injuries (see Kill rules).

Endurance Rating
* Remarkable or better … 3 areas/round
* Poor to Excellent … 2 areas/round
* Feeble, Shift Zero … 1 area/round

In general, character can move without stopping for a number of rounds equal an Endurance rank. For example, a character with Excellent Endurance can move 2 areas per turn for 20 turns (about 2 minutes). By making a Minor Success (Green) Endurance check, the character may continue for another equal length of turns; failure requires stopping to rest for 1-10 rounds. If successful, at the end of the second length a Major Success (Yellow) Endurance result is required for another distance; failure of this check requires a rest of 2-20 rounds. If continuing successful, an Extreme Success (Red) result is needed to go on; failure means a rest of 3-30 rounds. A fourth test is not possible; character must either stop to rest or fall down. The exception is for characters with an Endurance of Unearthly, who never have to stop and rest while moving.

Bursts of speed allowing for one extra area per round require a Major/Extreme (Yellow/Red) Strength check success. A Minor Success (Green) result gives no bonus to speed, while a Failure (White) result indicates the character trips and loses control.


Rule Of Thumb…
* Fail: Miss.
* Minor (Green): Hit for damage.
* Major (Yellow): Hit, damage, check for slam and/or stun.
* Extreme (Red): Hit, damage, check for kill.

Attack Actions…
* Fighting: Blunt, edged attacks.
* Agility: Shooting, throwing, energy, force attacks.
* Strength: Grappling, grabbing attacks.
* Endurance: Charging attacks.

Defensive Actions…
* Agility: Dodging, catching.
* Fighting: Evading.
* Strength: Blocking.

* Amazing or better … 3 attacks/round
* Remarkable or Incredible … 2 attacks/round
* Excellent or less … 1 attack/round

ATTACK ACTIONS [Related Ability]

Blunt Attacks (aka “Slugfest”) [Fighting]
* Failure (White): Miss.
* Minor Success (Green): Hit, causes points of damage equal to Strength.
* Major Success (Yellow): Hit as above, plus check for Slam.
* Extreme Success (Red): Hit as above, plus both checks for Slam and Stun.

Edged Attacks (aka “Hack ‘n Slash”) [Fighting]
* Failure (White): Miss.
* Minor Success (Green): Hit, causes points of damage based on damage type.
* Major Success (Yellow): Hit as above, plus check for Stun.
* Extreme Success (Red): Hit as above, plus check for Kill.

Shooting Attacks [Agility]
* Failure (White): Miss.
* Minor Success (Green): Hit, causes damage based on weapon to a general location.
* Major Success (Yellow): Hit (Bullseye), causes damage to a specifically targeted location.
* Extreme Success (Red): Hit as Hit (Bullseye), plus check for Kill.

Throwing Edged [Agility]
* Failure (White): Miss.
* Minor Success (Green): Hit, causes points of damage based on weapon.
* Major Success (Yellow): Hit as above, plus check for Stun.
* Extreme Success (Red): Hit as above, plus check for Kill.

Throwing Blunt [Agility]
* Failure (White): Miss.
* Grun: Hit, causes points of damage based on weapon.
* Major Success (Yellow): Hit, causes points of damage based on weapon.
* Extreme Success (Red): Hit as above, plus check for Stun.

Energy [Agility]
* Failure (White): Miss.
* Minor Success (Green): Hit, causes points of damage to a general location.
* Major Success (Yellow): Hit (Bullseye), causes damage to a specifically targeted location.
* Extreme Success (Red): Hit as Hit (Bullseye), plus check for Kill.

Force [Agility]
* Failure (White): Miss.
* Minor Success (Green): Hit, causes points of damage to a general location.
* Major Success (Yellow): Hit (Bullseye), causes damage to a specifically targeted location.
* Extreme Success (Red): Hit as Hit (Bullseye), plus check for Stun.

Grappling [Strength]
* Failure (White): Miss.
* Minor Success (Green): Miss.
* Major Success (Yellow): Partial hold (leg, arm, other port; target -2 CS penalty and cannot move if grappler’s Strength is equal to or better).
* Extreme Success (Red): Hold: Target fully restrained; attack may perform one additional action – such as attack, inflicting base damage up with Strength – while holding the target).

Grabbing [Strength]
* Failure (White): Miss
* Minor Success (Green): Take (gain possession if Strength is equal or better than holder’s).
* Major Success (Yellow): Greb (gain possession regardless of Strength).
* Extreme Success (Red): Brea'< (gain possession and immediately flee, activate item, or attempt to break it).

Escape [Strength]
* Failure (White): Miss.
* Minor Success (Green): Miss.
* Major Success (Yellow): Escape (target free of hold and may move up to half spud).
* Extreme Success (Red): Reverse (target free of hold and may do one of the following: move half spud distance; grapple the former attacker; or perform any other action as -2 CS).

Charging [Endurance]
Note: For each area the charging character moves through to reach the target, gain ,1 +1 CS bonus up to a maximum of +3 CS.
* Failure (White): Miss. charger continues for at least half speed distance.
* Minor Success (Green): Hit, damage equal to either current Endurance or Body Armor rank (whichever higher), plus 2 points per ear covered in the attack.
* Major Success (Yellow): Hit as above, plus check for Slam.
* Extreme Success (Red): Hit as above, plus check for both Slam and Stun.


Dodging [Agility]
Note: A dodging character moves at half speed, may not charge, and may perform only one other action that round at a -2 CS penalty (including making an attack). Dodging is basically only good against ranged attacks; it has no effect on “slugfest” or wrestling attacks.
* Failure (White): No effect
* Minor Success (Green): Incoming attacks suffer a -2 CS penalty.
* Major Success (Yellow): Incoming attacks suffer a -4 CS penalty.
* Extreme Success (Red): Incoming attacks suffer a -6 CS penalty.

Evading [Fighting]
Note: Evading may only be used against a single adjacent opponent in “slugfest” or wrestling combat, and no attacks can be made that round. “White: Automatically hit (opponent’s White results become Green). ” Green: Miss (attack causes no damage).
* Major Success (Yellow): Miss as above, plus +1 CS to first counterattack next round only.
* Extreme Success (Red): Miss as above, plus +2 CS to first counterattack next round only.

Blocking [Strength]
Note: Only “slugfest,” Edged and Blunt Throwing attacks, Force attacks, and Wrestling may be blocked. Shooting and Energy Attacks, as well as Charging, may not be blocked. A character that blocks attacks cannot make any other actions that round.
* Failure (White): Gain effect of Body Armor effective in rating to current Strength-6 CS.
* Minor Success (Green): Gain effect of Body Armor effective in rating to current Strength-4 CS.
* Major Success (Yellow): Gain effect of Body Armor effective in rating to current Strength-2 CS.
* Extreme Success (Red): Gain effect of Body Armor effective in rating to current Strength+l CS.

Catching [Agility]
* Failure (White): Automatically hit by object; treat falling objects as a Charging attack.
* Minor Success (Green): Miss; incoming attacks continue at +1 CS.
* Major Success (Yellow): Catch, with damage as per attack made against object.
* Extreme Success (Red): Catch, no damage to object.


Major (Yellow) and Extreme (Red) hits may also cause Stun, Slam, or Kill critical hit checks.

Armor ratings subtract from an attack’s damage points before affecting Health. Remaining damage points are subtracted from the target’s Health.

At zero Health, a target is unconscious/disabled and immediately makes an Kill Endurance check.

A dying character may spend 50 Karma points to avoid losing Endurance for one round, or spend 200 Karma points to attempt a bonus Endurance check. Any success stabilizes the character, who remains unconscious. A dying character that loses all Endurance ranks is dead.

Any conscious and adjacent character may stop another character from dying as an action. If the dying character is at Shift Zero, the assisting character must have the Medicine talent to help.

STUN? (Hit target makes an Endurance check)
* Failure (White): Unconscious for 1d10 rounds, then recover.
* Minor Success (Green): Stays conscious but no action next round.
* Major/Extreme (Yellow/Red): No stun effect.

SLAM? (Hit target makes an Endurance check)
* Failure (White): Grand slam (knockback by attacker’s Strength).
* Minor Success (Green): Knocked back 1 area.
* Major Success (Yellow): Staggered, no longer adjacent but remain in same area.
* Extreme Success (Red): No slam knockback effect.

If Grand Slam, use attacker’s Strength rank to measure how far the target has been knocked back.
* Feeble … 1 area
* Poor … 2 areas
* Typical … 3 areas
* Good … 4 areas
* Excellent … 5 areas
* Remarkable … 6 areas
* Incredible … 7 areas
* Amazing … 8 areas
* Monstrous … 9 areas
* Unearthly … 10 areas
* Shift X … 12 areas
* Shift Y … 14 areas
* Shift Z … 16 areas
* Class 1000 … 32 areas
* Class 3000 … 50 areas
* Class 5000 … 100 areas

KILL? (Hit target makes an Endurance check)
* Failure (White): Dying; target loses one Endurance rank and continues to lose one Endurance rank until Shift Zero (death).
* Minor Success (Green): As fail for Edged or Shooting attacks, else not dying.
* Major/Extreme (Yellow/Red): Ignore kill, not dying.


Starting one minute (10 rounds) after taking damage, conscious characters regain Health equal to their normal Endurance rank number. Unconscious characters, and those suffering new damage before 10 rounds, do not recover lost Health. Recovery only takes place once per day.


Characters normally heal Health points equal to their Endurance rank number in the hour (600 rounds) following the last damage. Special powers may boost this rate. Bed rest and medical supervision by doctors or hospital staff double healing rate.


A character who drops to Shift O Endurance risks permanent damage. Roll for each Fighting, Agility, Strength and Endurance ability above Good. A Green or better result means no effect; a White result indicates that ability drops one rank. Such loses can only be recovered through experience.

* Health 1-2: Ant
* Health 3-4: Cockroach, toad
* Health 5-7: Mouse, small lizard
* Health 8-15: Single bird or large bat, D&D pixie or sprite
* Health 16-25: Cat, flock of birds or bats
* Health 26-36: Mundane adult human (professional or thug), dog, D&D goblins
* Health 37-45: Strong adult human (soldier or athlete), insect swarm, eagle, D&D ores
* Health 46-62: Wolf, ape, panther, D&D centaur ar ogre
* Health 63-87: Average Amazonian or Atlantean, horse, alligator, lion, bear, D&D troll or wyvern
* Health 88-125: Average Asgardian or Olympian, frost giant or fire giant, elephant, shark
* Health 126-175: Dinosaur (tyrannosaurus, triceratops, apatosaurus). orca (killer whale), D&D adult red dragon or purple worm
* Health 176-350: Kaiju monsters (Gozilla, Mothra, Gamero, King Kong), blue whale, D&D old red dragon or titan
* Health 351+: Cthulhu, D&D red dragon great wyrm or the Tarrasque


Unarmed (Blunt) Attacks (“Slugfest”) (Fighting)
* Damage equal to Strength…
* Remarkable (30)
* Excellent (20)
* Good (10)
* Typical (6)
* Poor (4)
* Feeble (2)

Blunt Or Edged Weapons (Fighting)
* Tiny Melee Weapon (Handaxe, Club): Poor (4) damage.
* Small Melee Weapon (Dagger, Club): Typical (6) damage.
* Medium Melee Weapon (Sword, spear, bow, crossbow): Good (10) damage.
* Large Melee Weapon (Greataxe): Excellent (20) damage.

Modern Shooting Weapons (Agility)
* Shortbow: 2 areas range; Typical (6) damage.
* Longbow: 3 areas range; Typical (6) damage.
* Pistol: 3 areas range; Good (10) damage.
* Rifle: 10 areas range; Good (10) damage.
* Assault Rifle: 7 areas range; Good (10) damage; 2 separate attacks per round.
* Shotgun: 3 areas range; Excellent (20) damage; can hit 2 adjacent targets.
* Sub-Machine Gun: 7 areas; Excellent (20) damage; can hit 3 adjacent targets.
* Machine Gun: 10 areas range; Remarkable (30) damage; can hit all targets in same area.
* Flamethrower: 2 areas range; Remarkable (30) damage; can hit all targets in same area.
* Bazooka: 4 areas range; Incredible (40) damage; can only fire once every 2 rounds.
* Light Anti-Tank Weapon: 4 areas range; Incredible (40) damage.
* Light Artillery: 10 areas range; Incredible (40) damage; hits all targets in same area.
* Heavy Artillery: 20 areas range; Amazing (50) damage; hits all targets in same area.

Sci-Fi Shooting Weapons (Agility)
* Stun Pistol: 2 areas range; target makes Stun check (Endurance).
* Laser Pistol: 10 areas range; Good (10) energy damage.
* Laser Rifle: 14 areas range; Excellent (20) energy damage.
* Laser Cannon: 20 areas range; Remarkable (30) energy damage.

Fantasy Weapons (Varies)
* Stormtrooper Blaster: 7 areas range; Stun check (Endurance) or Excellent (20) energy damage.
* Jedi Lightsaber: Incredible (40) energy damage.
* Federation Hand Phaser: 6 areas range; Stun check (Endurance) or up to Incredible (40) energy damage.

* Godzilla’s Atomic Breath: 10 areas; Shift Y (200) energy damage.
* Starship advanced beam weapons (Star Trek phaser bank): Shift Z (500) energy damage.
* Small atomic bomb (20 kilotons, Fat Man/Little Boy): Class 1000 (1,000) energy damage.
* Big atomic bomb (60 megatons, Tsar Bomba): Class 3000 (3,000) energy damage.
* Small antimatter missile (Star Trek photon torpedo): Class 3000 (3,000) energy damage.


* Good … Corrosive, mild acid
* Excellent … Corrosive, standard acid
* Incredible+ … Corrosive, concentrated acid

* Feeble … Catching a falling object
* Good … Walking a balance beam
* Excellent … Using a dodge manuever against bullets
* Excellent … Catching thrown objects
* Remarkable … Walking a tightrope
* Incredible … Attempting to dodge bursts of bullets
* Amazing … Catching arrows in flight
* Monstrous … Dodging laser fire of energy weapons
* Unearthly … Catching bullets in flight

* Feeble … Common Cold
* Good … Common Flu

* Excellent … Stunning, ordinary house current
* Remarkable … Stunning, “typical” protection devices
* Incredible … Stunning, Lightning bolts
* Amazing … Stunning, High tension wires

* Feeble … Air pollution alert
* Typical … Tear gas
* Good … Snake venom
* Excellent … Spider venom
* Unearthly … Exposure to vaccum

* Remarkable … Making 2 attacks/round
* Amazing … Making 3 attacks/round

* Poor … Obvious items (number of people present,condition of room)
* Excellent … Detail work (position of objects, things missing or added)
* Excellent … Discovering “typical” hidden door or secret passage
* Incredible … Sense “wrongness” about an area,person, or object
* Monstrous … Sense presence of others that may be hidden, concealed, invisible, or astral

* Feeble … Cloth, glass, brush, paper
* Poor … Normal plastics, crystal, wood
* Typical … Rubber, soft metals (gold, brass, copper), ice, adobe, computer chips
* Good … Brick, aluminum, light machinery pieces, asphalt, high strength plastics
* Excellent … Concrete, Beta cloth, iron, bullet-proof glass
* Remarkable … Reinforced concrete, steel
* Incredible … Solid stone, Vibranium, volcanic rock
* Amazing … Osmium steel, granite, gemstones
* Monstrous … Diamond, super-heavy alloys
* Unearthly … Adamantium steel, certain mystical and enchanted elements
* Class 1000+ … Materials of these material strength ranks are virtually indestructible, such as Captain America’s shield or Thor’s hammer

* Shift 0 … Touch only
* Feeble … Touch only
* Poor … 1 area
* Typical … 2 areas
* Good … 4 areas
* Excellent … 6 areas
* Remarkable … 8 areas
* Incredible … 10 areas
* Amazing … 20 areas
* Monstrous … 40 areas
* Unearthly … 60 areas
* Shift X … 80 areas
* Shift Y … 160 areas
* Shift Z … 400 areas
* Class 1000 … 100 miles
* Class 3000 … 10,000 miles
* Class 5000 … 1,000,000 miles
* Beyond … Unlimited

* Good … Intensity of standard hypnosis and mesmerism
* Remarkable … Intensity of standard mind control devices
* Incredible … Intensity of standard terran magic
* Monstrous … Intensity of standard Asgardian magic

* Feeble … Radiation, Ancient A-bomb blast
* Excellent … Radiation, Recent A-bomb blast
* Amazing … Interior of an active nuclear reactor
* Incredible … Radiation of a vial of plutonium
* Monstrous … Radiation of A-bomb blast

* Feeble … Operate simple machines
* Poor … Operate complex machines
* Typical … Fix appliances
* Good … Fix simple Electronics
* Excellent … Fix common vehicles
* Remarkable … Computer design and programming
* Incredible … Fix ability-modifying devices
* Amazing … Design or fix a stardrive or time travel device
* Monstrous … Design or fix a teleportation device

* Shift 0 … Slickness of ordinary concrete
* Feeble … Slickness of ordinary brickwork
* Typical … Slickness of glass and steel
* Good … Slickness of polished steel alloys
* Excellent … Slickness of surface covered with ice
* Remarkable … Slickness of surface covered with oil
* Incredible … Slickness of non-stick surfaces
* Class 1000 … Slickness of frictionless surfaces

* Feeble … 2 areas/round; 30 mph
* Poor … 4 areas/round; 60 mph
* Typical … 6 areas/round; 90 mph
* Good … 8 areas/round; 120 mph
* Excellent … 10 areas/round; 150 mph
* Remarkable … 15 areas/round; 225 mph
* Incredible … 20 areas/round; 300 mph
* Amazing … 25 areas/round; 375 mph
* Monstrous … 30 areas/round; 450 mph
* Unearthly … 40 areas/round; 600 mph
* Shift X … 50 areas/round; 750 mph
* Shift Y … 100 areas/round; 1500 mph
* Shift Z … 200 areas/round; 3750 mph
* Class 1000 … Interplanetary
* Class 3000 … Near-Light
* Class 5000 … Teleportation

* Feeble … 1 area/round; 15 mph
* Poor … 2 areas/round; 30 mph
* Typical … 3 areas/round; 45 mph
* Good … 4 areas/round; 60 mph
* Excellent … 5 areas/round; 75 mph
* Remarkable … 6 areas/round; 90 mph
* Incredible … 7 areas/round; 10 mph
* Amazing … 8 areas/round; 120 mph
* Monstrous … 9 areas/round; 135 mph
* Unearthly … 10 areas/round; 150 mph
* Shift X … 12 areas/round; 180 mph
* Shift Y … 14 areas/round; 210 mph
* Shift Z … 16 areas/round; 240 mph
* Class 1000 … 32 areas/round; 480 mph
* Class 3000 … 50 areas/round; 750 mph
* Class 5000 … 100 areas/round; 1500 mph

* Feeble … Lifting up to 50 lbs.
* Poor … Lifting 51-100 lbs.
* Typical … Lifting 101-200 lbs.
* Good … Lifting 201-400 lbs.
* Excellent … Lifting 401-800 lbs.
* Remarkable … Lifting 801-2000 lbs. (1 ton)
* Incredible … Lifting 1-10 tons
* Amazing … Lifting 10-50 tons
* Monstrous … Lifting 50-80 tons
* Unearthly … Lifting 80-100 tons
* Shift X … Lifting 100+ tons

* Feeble … 1 area
* Poor … 1 area
* Typical … 1 area
* Good … 2 areas
* Excellent … 3 areas
* Remarkable … 4 areas
* Incredible … 5 areas
* Amazing … 6 areas
* Monstrous … 7 areas
* Unearthly … 8 areas
* Shift X … 10 areas
* Shift X … 15 areas
* Shift X … 20 areas
* Class 1000+ … Line of sight

* Feeble … A single match
* Poor … Campfire
* Typical … Burning room
* Excellent … Burning house
* Remarkable … Burning warehouse and supplies
* Incredible … Burning non-explosive chemicals
* Amazing … Inside of a blast furnace
* Monstrous … Burning explosive chemicals
* Unearthly … Interor of a volcano
* Class 1000 … Surface of a star

* Good … Heat, 90 degrees F
* Excellent … Heat, 120 degrees F
* Remarkable … Heat, 150 degrees F
* Good … Cold, 30 degrees F
* Excellent … Cold, 0 degrees F
* Remarkable … Cold, -30 degrees F
* Monstrous … Cold, interplanetary space

* Typical … Darkness under night conditions
* Excellent … Darkness under dark conditions
* Remarkable … Darkness under “typical” Darkforce
* Typical … Vision through normal fog

* Good … Effects of normal rainshower
* Remarkable … Effects of normal thundershower
* Incredible … Effects of normal thunderstorm
* Incredible … Effects of high winds
* Amazing … Effects of normal tornado
* Unearthly … Effects of normal hurricane

* Feeble … Up to 50 pounds
* Poor … Up to 100 pounds
* Typical … Up to 200 pounds
* Good … Up to 400 pounds
* Excellent … Up to 800 pounds
* Remarkable … Up to 2000 pounds (1 ton)
* Incredible … Up to 10 tons
* Amazing … Up to 50 tons
* Monstrous … Up to 80 tons
* Unearthly … Up to 100 tons
* Shift X … Up to 250 tons
* Shift Y … Up to 500 tons
* Shift Z … Up to 1000 tons



Assign the following seven ranks…
* Excellent [ 41 / 71 / 95 ] (Effect: 20)
* Good [ 46 / 76 / 98 ] (Effect: 10)
* Good [ 46 / 76 / 98 ] (Effect: 10)
* Good [ 46 / 76 / 98 ] (Effect: 10)
* Typical [ 51 / 81 / 98 ] (Effect: 6)
* Typical [ 51 / 81 / 98 ] (Effect: 6)
* Poor [ 56 / 86 / 100 ] (Effect: 4)

…across the seven abilities:
* Fighting:
* Agility:
* Strength:
* Endurance:
* Reason:
* Intuition:
* Psyche:

Once ranks have been assigned, calculate Health and Karma total from the effect values of the associated abilities.

* Health = Fighting + Agility + Strength + Endurance
* Karma = Reason + Intuition + Psyche


Traits increase a character’s effective rank one step (+1 CS) when applied to a specific task.

* Brawling/Blades: Fighting with fists, kicks, and melee weapons such as swords.
* Charisma: Persuading others, telling convincing lies, performing.
* Heavy Weaponry: Using field artillery and squad support weapons (LAWs, machine guns).
* Knowledge: Education and understanding of natural and social sciences.
* Medical: Diagnosing and healing lifeforms, xenobiology, drugs, biological research.
* Personal Weaponry: Shooting modern guns of all kinds (pistols, rifles, shotguns, SMG).
* Primal: Familiarity with wilderness, weather, animals and plants.
* Privilege: High rank, wealth, influence, authority and status within society.
* Starships: Maneuvering spacecraft, plotting interstellar travel, using sensors.
* Streetwise: Dealing with locals, gambling and gathering information from informal contacts
* Tech: Repairing, designing and innovating vehicles, scientific gear and other types of machines.
* Trade: Assessing item values, negotiating commerce deals, and conducting transactions.
* Vehicles: Advanced tactics for driving cars, boats, planes or other modern vehicles.
* Weird: Supernatural awareness, channeling psychic energies, casting spells.


Game stats for some famous fictional characters for use as benchmark references.

HAN SOLO, interstellar smuggler

* Fighting: Good [ 46 / 76 / 98 ] (Effect: 10)
* Agility: Excellent [ 41 / 71 / 95 ] (Effect: 20)
* Strength: Typical [ 51 / 81 / 98 ] (Effect: 6)
* Endurance: Good [ 46 / 76 / 98 ] (Effect: 10)
* Reason: Typical [ 51 / 81 / 98 ] (Effect: 6)
* Intuition: Good [ 46 / 76 / 98 ] (Effect: 10)
* Psyche: Poor [ 56 / 86 / 100 ] (Effect: 4)

* Health: 46
* Karma: 20

* Starships: Maneuvering spacecraft, plotting interstellar travel, using sensors.
* Streetwise: Dealing with locals, gambling and gathering information from informal contacts
* Tech: Repairing, designing and innovating vehicles, scientific gear and other types of machines.

* Laser Pistol: 10 areas range; Good (10) energy damage.

CHEWBACCA, Wookiee space pirate

* Fighting: Good [ 46 / 76 / 98 ] (Effect: 10)
* Agility: Typical [ 51 / 81 / 98 ] (Effect: 6)
* Strength: Excellent [ 41 / 71 / 95 ] (Effect: 20)
* Endurance: Good [ 46 / 76 / 98 ] (Effect: 10)
* Reason: Good [ 46 / 76 / 98 ] (Effect: 10)
* Intuition: Poor [ 56 / 86 / 100 ] (Effect: 4)
* Psyche: Typical [ 51 / 81 / 98 ] (Effect: 6)

* Health: 46
* Karma: 20

* Starships: Maneuvering spacecraft, plotting interstellar travel, using sensors.
* Tech: Repairing, designing and innovating vehicles, scientific gear and other types of machines.
* Trade: Assessing item values, negotiating commerce deals, and conducting transactions.

* Bowcaster: 14 areas range; Excellent (20) energy damage.

LEIA ORGANA, Imperial Senator and Rebellion leader

* Fighting: Typical [ 51 / 81 / 98 ] (Effect: 6)
* Agility: Typical [ 51 / 81 / 98 ] (Effect: 6)
* Strength: Poor [ 56 / 86 / 100 ] (Effect: 4)
* Endurance: Good [ 46 / 76 / 98 ] (Effect: 10)
* Reason: Good [ 46 / 76 / 98 ] (Effect: 10)
* Intuition: Excellent [ 41 / 71 / 95 ] (Effect: 20)
* Psyche: Good [ 46 / 76 / 98 ] (Effect: 10)

* Health: 26
* Karma: 40

* Charisma: Persuading others, telling convincing lies, performing.
* Privilege: High rank, wealth, influence, authority and status within society.
* Streetwise: Dealing with locals, gambling and gathering information from informal contacts

MISTER SPOCK, Starfleet Science Officer

* Fighting: Poor [ 56 / 86 / 100 ] (Effect: 4)
* Agility: Typical [ 51 / 81 / 98 ] (Effect: 6)
* Strength: Good [ 46 / 76 / 98 ] (Effect: 10)
* Endurance: Good [ 46 / 76 / 98 ] (Effect: 10)
* Reason: Excellent [ 41 / 71 / 95 ] (Effect: 20)
* Intuition: Typical [ 51 / 81 / 98 ] (Effect: 6)
* Psyche: Good [ 46 / 76 / 98 ] (Effect: 10)

* Health: 30
* Karma: 36

* Knowledge: Education and understanding of natural and social sciences.
* Starships: Maneuvering spacecraft, plotting interstellar travel, using sensors.
* Tech: Repairing, designing and innovating vehicles, scientific gear and other types of machines.

Vulcan Powers
* Mind Meld: While touching another’s head, can use an action to roll Psyche versus the target’s Psyche. If Spock gets an equal or better result, target must truthfully answer one question. Only one mind meld may be attempted within the same 24 period regardless of success.
* Nerve Pinch: Can make a Fighting attack to force a Stun check on a Minor or better hit.

* Federation Hand Phaser: 6 areas range; Stun check (Endurance) or up to Incredible (40) energy damage.

JAMES BOND, British Secret Service “00” Agent

* Fighting: Excellent [ 41 / 71 / 95 ] (Effect: 20)
* Agility: Good [ 46 / 76 / 98 ] (Effect: 10)
* Strength: Typical [ 51 / 81 / 98 ] (Effect: 6)
* Endurance: Typical [ 51 / 81 / 98 ] (Effect: 6)
* Reason: Good [ 46 / 76 / 98 ] (Effect: 10)
* Intuition: Good [ 46 / 76 / 98 ] (Effect: 10)
* Psyche: Poor [ 56 / 86 / 100 ] (Effect: 4)

* Health: 42
* Karma: 24

* Charisma: Persuading others, telling convincing lies, performing.
* Personal Weaponry: Shooting modern guns of all kinds (pistols, rifles, shotguns, SMG).
* Vehicles: Advanced tactics for driving cars, boats, planes or other modern vehicles.

* Pistol: 3 areas range; Typical (6) damage.

DARTH VADER, Lord of the Sith

* Fighting: Amazing [ 26 / 56 / 91 ] (Effect: 50)
* Agility: Typical [ 51 / 81 / 98 ] (Effect: 6)
* Strength: Remarkable [ 36 / 66 / 95 ] (Effect: 30)
* Endurance: Excellent [ 41 / 71 / 95 ] (Effect: 20)
* Reason: Excellent [ 41 / 71 / 95 ] (Effect: 20)
* Intuition: Excellent [ 41 / 71 / 95 ] (Effect: 20)
* Psyche: Incredible [ 31 / 61 / 91 ] (Effect: 40)

* Health: 106
* Karma: 80

* Brawling/Blades: Fighting with fists, kicks, and melee weapons such as swords.
* Privilege: High rank, wealth, influence, authority and status within society.
* Starships: Maneuvering spacecraft, plotting interstellar travel, using sensors.
* Tech: Repairing, designing and innovating vehicles, scientific gear and other types of machines.
* Vehicles: Advanced tactics for driving cars, boats, planes or other modern vehicles.
* Weird: Supernatural awareness, channeling psychic energies, casting spells.

Special Rules
* Amazing Fighting allows the character to make up to 3 attacks during a turn.

Sith Powers
* Telekinesis
* Foresight
* Force Choke
* Telekinetic Leap

* Jedi Lightsaber: Incredible (40) energy damage.

CAPTAIN AMERICA (aka Steve Rogers), American Super Soldier

* Fighting: Amazing [ 26 / 56 / 91 ] (Effect: 50)
* Agility: Incredible [ 31 / 61 / 91 ] (Effect: 40)
* Strength: Excellent [ 41 / 71 / 95 ] (Effect: 20)
* Endurance: Remarkable [ 36 / 66 / 95 ] (Effect: 30)
* Reason: Good [ 46 / 76 / 98 ] (Effect: 10)
* Intuition: Incredible [ 31 / 61 / 91 ] (Effect: 40)
* Psyche: Good [ 46 / 76 / 98 ] (Effect: 10)

* Health: 140
* Karam: 60

* Brawling/Blades: Fighting with fists, kicks, and melee weapons such as swords.
* Charisma: Persuading others, telling convincing lies, performing.
* Heavy Weaponry: Using field artillery and squad support weapons (LAWs, machine guns).
* Personal Weaponry: Shooting modern guns of all kinds (pistols, rifles, shotguns, SMG).
* Vehicles: Advanced tactics for driving cars, boats, planes or other modern vehicles.

Special Rules
* Amazing Fighting allows the character to make up to 3 attacks during a turn.

* Shield: Made of Class 3000 material, works as Incredible armor (reduces damage by 40) against any physical or energy attack Captain American can see. The shield also can be thrown 3 areas to cause Remarkable (30) blunt damage. (On a Major/Yellow or Extreme/Red attack result, the shield ricochets and bounces back to the Captain during his turn the following round.)
* Pistol: 3 areas range; Typical (6) damage.

* Body Armor: Excellent protection reduces damage from physical and energy attacks by 20.
* Blasters: Plasma accelerators built into arms. Energy attack out to 6 areas range; Good (10) energy damage.
* Life Support: Internal air and water supply, protected from exterior atmospheric threats and poisons for up to 16 continuous hours.
* Assistive AI: Specialized programming grants the wearer one of the following traits: Heavy Weaponry, Knowledge, Medical, Personal Weaponry, Primal, Starships, Tech, Vehicles. (Active bonus traits takes 1 hour to change.)
* Heavy Frame: Power-assisted limbs allow normal movement but adds 1,200 lbs. (545 kg) to the wearer’s overall weight.

* Understanding the tome’s text requires an Extreme Psyche result; one check allowed after each hour of study.
* Each failed (non-Extreme) study result has a 1 in 10 chance of summoning a demon.
* Eldritch Lore: Once understood, the text permanently grants the reader one of the following traits: Charm, Primal, or Weird.