Hack: Defusing Bombs/Traps

An RPG mechanic for solving short codes such as defusing sequences for bombs or traps.

1.) Roll five 6-sided dice on the table in front of the player. Tell them each die represents a wire, gear, power stone or other such mechanism found in the device. Players are told the sequence to correctly defuse the “bomb” or disable to the “trap” needs to follow one of the following:

* ONLY EVEN (remove all odd-numbered dice)
* ONLY ODD (remove all even-numbered dice)
* LOW-TO-HIGH (arrange dice from smallest to largest numbers)
* HIGH-TO-LOW (arrange dice from largest to smallest numbers)

2.) The DM secretly notes on a hidden card which sequence is the correct type: only even, only odd, low-to-high or high-to-low. (When in doubt, roll a 1d4.)

3.) Allow the character an appropriate skill roll (Arcana, thieves tools, or so forth).

* 9 or less … no clue
* 10 to 14 … player may ask what rolled number belongs in the first position
* 15 to 19 … player may ask about what two positions
* 20 to 24 … player may ask about three positions
* 25 or more … player may ask about four positions

4.) The player may then arrange and remove dice as needed to match the solution. Guess right, bomb/trap defused. Guess wrong, boom.

1.) Dice roll comes up 1, 3, 3, 4 and 6.
2.) DM picks LOW-TO-HIGH.
3.) Player’s thief has a +4 bonus with thieves tools and 1d20 rolls a 13, for a total of 17.
4.) Player asks to know what number appears in the first and fifth position.
5.) DM answers “1” and “6” which should make the sequence clear.

1.) Dice roll comes up 1, 3, 3, 4 and 6.
2.) DM picks ONLY EVEN.
3.) Player’s thief has a +4 bonus with thieves tools and 1d20 rolls a 13, for a total of 17.
4.) Player asks to know what number appears in the first and fifth position.
5.) DM answers “4” and “empty” which should make the sequence clear.

VARIANTS: Use three d6 dice to make it easier, seven d6 dice to be more difficult.