Hit point loss could be meat, OR condition of armor OR self-confidence, focus and resisting shock in combat OR ability to ignore nuisance effect like dirt in eyes or awkward stumbles OR lots of things…
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Hit point loss could be meat, OR condition of armor OR self-confidence, focus and resisting shock in combat OR ability to ignore nuisance effect like dirt in eyes or awkward stumbles OR lots of things…
Read moreAdventure details on making the worst out of anyplace the characters might go.
Read moreAn ancient red dragon who inexplicably awoke one day in the body of a lowly human, he set out on a violent quest to regain his former form. Made for Daniel Scribner’s D&D campaign at the NYC Google offices.
Read moreThree brief summaries of Traveller adventure ideas stolen from episodes of Doctor Who.
Read moreLists of dice rolls in a random order repeating multiple times for each die type.
Read moreLists of modified d20 rolls to make attack and saving throw rolls easier for DMs managing multiple opponents.
Read moreNotes for a weird little “timeline framework” I made for time travel campaign.
Read moreA summary of the original “non-weapon proficiencies” allowed to player characters, sometimes called “secondary skills” in rules by Gary Gygax.
Read moreA list of items, services, prices and weights.
Read moreAD&D1e followed short lifespans for rapid-population-growth humanoids and ridiculous Tolkien-based ages for elves.
Read moreMicrolite20 is a super-simple RPG rules set created by Robin Stacey back in 2006 and widely modified by fans ever since. It is meant to
Read moreInitial notes about designing a spies-and-terrorists espionage-themed live-action role-playing game.
Read moreSometimes it matters how much things weigh: carrying allies to safety, lifting things with magic, and so forth. The following “close enough for gaming” benchmarks can be used.
Read moreSuggested degrees of “local danger” found in various types of locations.
Read moreA collection of benchmark standards for use as a house rule for most traditional fantasy marketplaces.
Read moreConversions of the AD&D2e setting for use with D&D4e.
Read moreNotes for revising the planar factions of 1994’s Planescape.
Read moreA chronology of about 240 real and often horrible events that happened in New York City, used as a backdrop to a supernatural campaign.
Read moreSome grab-and-go PDF player character sheets for use with the 1974 edition of Dungeons & Dragons.
Read moreA big list of NPC notes made for a vampire campaign set in New York City, circa 2007.
Read moreLists of supernatural powers for “new World of Darkness” Kindred characters per Vampire: The Requiem.
Read moreNotes, summaries and a few house rules from The World Of Darkness Storytelling System Rulebook (2004 edition, aka “nWoD”).
Read moreCustoms, disease, toxins, animals, language misunderstandings, climate and gravity differences, civil taxes… Originally posted on Roleplaying Tips Weekly E-Zine Issue #71.
Read moreInstead of “vulgar” and “coincidental” labels, instead look at the effect and and consider what a mundane would say if he directly witnessed the event.
Read moreThe big limitation on magical powers in Mage comes from paradox driven by the counter-belief of non-mage observers. A little creative description can get around that issue…
Read moreGuidelines for creating specific effects via the magick spheres using the Mage: The Ascension game.
Read moreFour adventures based around the 1,200-ton Kinunir-class battle cruiser, set in the Spinward Marches 001-1105.
Read moreTraveller notes for the 200-ton free trader starship, specifically a variant on the Beowulf class.
Read moreTraveller notes for the 800-ton mercenary cruiser starship, specifically the Broadsword class.
Read moreSet in the Vanejen/Rhylanor/Spinward Marches: 300-1006.
Read moreSet in the Spinward main in Rhylanor, sometime after 300-1106 but before the start of the Fifth Frontier War.
Read moreAnother edit of “quick and dirty” home rules for running introductory Traveller games.
Read moreAn outline of the “standard” campaign setting found in the original version of Traveller by Marc Miller in 1978.
Read moreNotes on using psionic abilities in the Third Imperium of Traveller, per the 1977 Basic Set.
Read moreWhat if the players’ character sheets and concept of their roles in the game was a lie?
Read moreWhat ends up in the postmaster’s dead letter office? And what happens when the player characters get their hands on “it,” whatever “it” is?
Read moreVariables creating non-player characters, patrons, and bystanders in original Traveller setting of the Spinward Marches sector.
Read moreGURPS 3.0 stats for use with Stan Miller’s horror campaign (2004-2005).
Read moreSix tropes to get a fantasy adventure started with new (or not-so-new) players.
Read moreSummary of how the original nine basic alignments are meant to be used and role-played in D&D.
Read moreSome notes on running space combats with the CT 1979 rules, plus 1980 revisions and house rules.
Read moreGURPS 3.0 stats for equipment typically found in the trunk of a police cruiser / squad car.
Read moreThis character template was created for a Gen Con 2000 event, an AD&D 2nd edition update to the Caves of Chaos found in B1: Keep On The Borderlands.
Read moreA homebrew scale of magical power effects.
Read moreRules for “Simultaneous Risk With Bombardments” from New Rules for Classic Games by R. Wayne Schmittberger
Read moreA rough “conversion document” for several RPGs popular in the mid-1990s.
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