Site of the worst violence during the street battles of the Faction War, the Doomguard's old headquarters still bears the faction's emblem above its heavy iron gates. Martial warriors from hundreds of worlds come here seeking ultimate weapons, and in taverns around the district, those of the upper classes meet with mercenaries and assassins to plan deadly schemes.
Wandering Encounters...
Field Test: In a back alley, a pair of reckless weapon engineers are trying out a new weapon against paper targets. Their aim is not so good.
Bitter Homecoming: A group of Doomguard have returned from a couple decades adventuring across the planes, and they are alarmed to find non-Faction intruders running their headquarters.
This site combines concert hall, opera house, museum, art gallery, tavern, wine shop and philosophical forum into one massive venue, with several other special services discreetly available for less cultured desires. People coming here want a good time with just enough daring to make them feel dangerous without facing any actual risk -- so long as the senses are fully indulged, the local artists and their customers are happy.
Wandering Encounters...
Good Vibes Or Bad Trips: A malfunctioning Sensate device causes passers-by in the area to experience false memories or altered perceptions.
Built to look strong without inspiring terror, the two-story structure that surrounds the inner parade ground suites the training needs of soldiers perfectly. Though the Harmonium may be gone, the rag-tag militia under Dabus command follows enough discipline to hold strong amid a city of chaos. Its members rival the Sons of Mercy, who claim more prestige and dread among Sigil's general populace.
Wandering Encounters...
This area was once just like every other run-down, filthy section of The Hive until portals to the Feywild began "leaking" influence into the district. Since the end of the Faction War, the Gardens have become the city's only "natural" source of food and plant life (besides razorvine). The area attracted "wild" races to settle here, such as the bariaur formerly of Ghundarhavel, but herbivore-carnivore tensions run high between the grass-eating bariaur and the meat-loving shifters. One group that noteably did not relocate here are elves, who simply expanded to take over the former Ghundarhavel turf in the Guildhall Ward.
Wandering Encounters...
Fey Mischief: A group of obnoxious faeries harmlessly harass passers-by (tying bootlaces together, dropping buckets of sour wine on their heads, pelting them with stinkweed or rotten fruit).
Monstrous Plants: A growth of razorvine, grabweed or other monstrous plant erupts violently and attacks passers-by.
Bariaur Bullies: A gang is harrassing a lone shifter and may cause the carnivore serious harm if not stopped.
Shifter Bullies: A gang is harrassing a lone bariaur and may cause the herbivore serious harm if not stopped.
The most desperate and wretched of Sigil end up passing through the arched tower of this asylum and taking troubled refuge in its pair of winged wards. The young, the old, the mad and the lost are welcomed here, where the illusion of meaning is laid bare. Whether such revelations are of any help is a topic of much debate.
Wandering Encounters...
Orcus Missionaries: A cult leader offers treasure and powers to those committing their bodies or souls to serve Orcus after death.
Ewww: A chamber pot or sewer backup splashes on passers-by, offering a chance of disease infection.
Here Comes Trouble: Barmy madmen, Opposition namers or Brotherhood of Glory members attack passers-by at random.
Awakened Goods: A mundane item (statue, cart, pile of gear) suddenly animates and attacks nearby passers-by.
The Fugitive: A terrified stranger begs passers-by for protection against a pursuer (authorities, a gang of rogues or a powerful fiend). The pursuer only wants to catch the stranger and does not seek to fight anyone else unless they get in the way.
Whims Of The Lady: The Lady of Pain suddenly shifts streets, causing passers-by to jump clear of moving walls and buckling pavement.
The sounds and smells of busy commerce dominate this district, offering everything from exclusive shops cluttered with luxury goods down to street cart vendors selling cheap junk. Beasts of burden haul shipments from portals to warehouses and back again, many bearing the stamp of the Planar Trade Consortium. Moneylenders are common, as are their legbreakers helping those behind on debts.
Wandering Encounters...
Bargain Merchant: A merchant offers to haggle over the sale of magical items "priced to move."
Rarities Merchant: A merchant offers an exotic planar item for sale.
Back In A Sec: A merchant asks a passer-by to watch his wares while he attends to a quick errand.
Kill The Thief: An arcane caster attempts to stop a thief but catches innocent bystanders in the blast area.
Runaway Cart: Exotic mounts or beasts of burden spook and rampage, pulling a cart behind.
It Was Him: A con-man or addle-coved victim accuses an innocent passer-by of theft.
Face In The Crowd: A shapechanger (demon, dragon, doppleganger) takes the form of passer-by, commits a quick and obvious crime, and then changes form while leaving the original person incriminated.
Pick-pockets: A team of pick-pockets use street performers, soap-box preachers or a planned "incident" as a distraction to fleece their chosen targets.
Collection Dues: A local crime boss attempts to shake down a merchant who is tired of being victimized and attempts to resist.
Pssst, C'Mere: A shady fence offers to sell a magic item or scroll at 25% its book price, no questions asked.
Ruthless Business: A merchant seeks adventurers to sabotage a business rival's shop.
Pranksters: A gang of minor devils or evil faeries shower a passing crowd with gold pieces, causing a greedy mob scene. After one hour, there is a 50% chance the gathered gold pieces will turn to dust.
The air here is thick with fumes and smoke, and even the people are covered with soot, sweat and grime. Narrow, twisting streets provide homes for smaller forges and smithies. Above all dominates The Great Foundry itself, a noisy complex of banging metal and blazing furnaces. Once the headquarters for a faction, the Foundry is now run by an extended family of bladelings who protect their monopoly with lethal force.
Wandering Encounters...
Gurincraag: Dwarves are seen entering small dwellings that lead to their hidden community in UnderSigil.
Explosion: An unstable elemental forge or warehouse shatters as chaotic energies rip loose.
Flood: Nearby workers accidentally open an unstable portal to the Elemental Chaos, flooding an area with rumbling water, muddy earth and burning winds.
Mad Machine: A poorly enchanted clockwork horror bursts out of a workshop and goes on a rampage. It speaks in Common and offers to cease its violence if someone can explain the reason for its creation.
Titanic Brawl: A fight between two huge beings (dragons, giants, angels, demons, devils, or titans) causes a nearby building to collapse, possibly injuring bystanders but exposing a chance for some quick looting.
Thief Of Magic: An Incantifier attempts to steal magic from a passer-by.
Shakedown: A group of thugs working for the Garianis clan of racketeers attempts to collect protection money from property owners.
Those seeking a harmony of physical, mental and spiritual perfection are drawn to this district. Here philosophy meets flesh as beings from across the cosmos test each other and themselves. The former bariaur neighborhood of Ghundarhavel is found here, although it now is home to an ever-expanding community of elves now that the centaur-like clans have relocated to the Garden district.
Wandering Encounters...
Arena Practice: A gladiator trainer seeks recruits to fight against his students as part of a training exercise.
Jus' Wanna Git Home: A stranger asks for help bringing drunk companions back to their kip. This request may be legit, or it may be a trap.
Word On The Street: A bard sings a tale about the City of Sigil. Spending an hour or so listening grants passers-by a bonus on their next streetwise or other knowledge skill check.
Healing Touch: A wandering healer offers to cure wounds for a small donation, or cure a disease or affliction for a larger donation.
It's Right Behind Me: A nearby portal opens as a planewalker sprints through, being chased by some huge horror from the other side.
Thief Of Age: A Prolonger attempts to steal age from a passer-by.
Once the faction headquarters of The Fated, this district suffered looting and vandalism in the days following the Faction War. After order was restored by force of arms, the former Hall of Information was moved here and sages began a sort of reconstruction toward a massive planar library. Replacing tax rolls and receipts with histories and literature, the district now draws curious researchers from across the planes.
Wandering Encounters...
Census Taker: A petty bureaucrat asks to interview passers-by to update records about visitors and inhabitants in Sigil.
For The Record: A pushy researcher tries to stop interesting-looking berks to interview them about their recent adventures.
Must Carry On: A wounded messenger who cannot complete his courier duties asks passers-by for help.
Out Of Frying Pan: A party of severely wounded adventurers laden with treasure come stumbling out of a newly opened portal, making themselves instant targets for thieves.
Revisionist History: A group of Factioners are spotted trying to break into the Hall of Records and forge changes to old legal documents in order to support their current legal claims. They may not want to leave witnesses who have seen them.
As the main political forum in Sigil, the Hall of Speakers is a place of both grand ceremony and debase backstabbing. Professional scandalists mix with true idealists in dozens of inns and taverns around the great Hall itself. Although the formal factions have gone, their legacy of debating the city's balance of power remains strong.
Wandering Encounters...
Sigil Celebrity: A controversial political figure (Shemeshka the Marauder, former factol Rhys, another) or planar celebrity (any epic level hero) attracts a mob or admirers.
Bodyguard Duty: A petty noble, merchant or guard looks to hire adventurers to help protect an endangered individual making an appearance at the Hall.
Carry On: A wounded messenger who cannot complete his courier duties asks passers-by for help.
Feud Fight: Two rival groups (drow vs. elf, githzerai vs. githyanki, devil vs. demon) run across each other in the street and threaten violence, possible dragging passers-by into the fight.
Blocked Street: A mob, accident, riot, festival or street performance group blocks a major thoroughfare, forcing travelers to find another route.
Persecute The Unbelievers: A cleric, demon, Athar or Primal namer seeks out adventurers to help defile a rival god's temple.
Canvassing The People: A faction recruiter offers gold in exchange for passers-by answering some ideology questions. The recruiter hopes to match beings with potential faction patrons looking for like-minded allies.
Whether born into pedigree or money -- or, better, both -- those who dwell in this district understand they are Sigil's aristocratic legacy. Neither kings nor clergy, they nevertheless accept the exclusive role of being grand patrons to businesses, charities and causes in the City of Doors and beyond. Let the adventurous clueless simply come and go; the blood of Sigil's founding families endures.
Wandering Encounters...
Entertain Us: A pair of obviously wealthy nobles (House d'Arlens or another family) stop passers-by and offer them treasure in exchange for putting on a little performance, fighting each other or doing some other demeaning activity for the lords' amusement.
Sigil Nobility: Someone from a powerful family (again, a d'Arlens) or a divine agent to a political deity (Asmodeus, Bahamut, Corellon, Erathis, Ioun, Moradin or Tiamat) arrives with their pushy entourage.
Vigilante Patrol: A group of either Sons of Mercy or Daughters of Light stop passers-by to demand their business in the area or be checked over for signs of faction membership.
Hired Help: A petty noble, merchant or guard looks to hire adventurers to help protect a building for a short amount of time.
Foul Agents: Followers of Bane, Gruumsh, Lolth, Torog or Zehir attempt to assassinate the high cleric of a rival god's temple.
Sign of the Times: A group of disruptive Factioners (Athar, Doomguard, Revolutionary League anarchists) are spotted putting graffiti on a monument or building. They may not want to leave witnesses who have seen them.
Princess Goes Slumming: The eldest maiden daughter of a wealthy family (d'Arlens) seeks adventurers to accompany her as she sneaks away from her family to party with low-life friends in the Lower Ward or the Hive.
When the dabus took over the duties of running legal services, many former bureaucrats of the city found themselves out of work. Soon such civil servants began seeking fortunes elsewhere, leaving their former homes open to squatters and drifters moving in from the Hive. This district has "gone bad" since the Faction War, and crime here is on the rise.
Wandering Encounters...
Spare A Few Coppers: A beggar or group of street urchins harass passers-by for coins.
Final Notice: A landlord seeks adventurers to help evict dangerous tenants squatting in a kip.
The Hunt Is On: A hunter asks for help in capturing or killing a creature (Aoskian hound, behir, sentient ooze) that has been tracked to the local district.
Who, Me?: Due to a case of mistaken identity, an angry mob out for revenge confronts passing adventurers.
Blood In The Streets: Two petty gangs attempt to wipe each other out, getting passers-by caught in the crossfire.
Your Money Or Your Life: A band of criminals stop passers-by and demand a "travel tax" to continue across their turf.
Clueless Berks A party of mundane adventurers new to Sigil from the Mortal World wander the area while laden with obviously treasure, making themselves instant targets for thieves.
Wrecking Crew: A demolition team seeks help tearing down a building to salvage its construction resources for use elsewhere.
While the souls of those slain in the Great Outlands automatically whisk away for 30 days of bodiless wandering in the Shadowfell, those slain in Sigil lack such grace. The Dustmen who toil in this windowless vault collect corpses from throughout the city and send body and spirit on to the Raven Queen or, on occasion, the realms of specific immortals. Their truce with Vecna's undead annoys the Raven Queen to no end, but so long the Dustmen stay in Sigil, there is little the Queen of Death can directly do about it.
Wandering Encounters...
All Sales Final: A Dustman seeks adventurers to help find and return corpses stolen by necromancers. The bodies may now be animated undead.
Grave Mistake: A being who appears alive flees from Dustmen who insist the creature was dead and rightfully sold not long ago.
Bring Out Your Dead: A Dustman seeks to accompany adventurers and collect the bodies of whoever or whatever they slay.
Cheaters Never Prosper: Some Dustmen have learned of a powerful Prolonger that avoids natural death by stealing youth from healthy victims. They want to settle accounts and bring the Prolonger to a final rest, but they need adventurers' help to bring down the offender.
Return What Was Taken: A revenant on a quest to recover items stolen from its past life confronts adventurers to demand back treasure found during the party's previous dungeon crawl.
Love Never Dies: A man or woman seeks help to steal a dead lover's body from the Dustmen in hopes of getting the deceased raised back to life.
This well-kept statuary garden celebrates immortals both pleasant and foul, but its overall sense of balance marks an unusual oasis of calm amid the bustle and grime of the rest of Sigil. Powerful celestial servants are often seen meeting here, whispering in Supernal about matter of cosmic consequence while mortals picnic nearby.
Wandering Encounters...
Ever since the Dabus took over justice following the Faction War, rebus translators have made a great living serving the needs of criminals, witnesses, advocates, clerks, accusers and other brought before the Court. The Fraternity of Order's old law library is still found locked away deep within the building, and sages petition with passion to gain private viewings of the collection.
Wandering Encounters...
Bodyguard Duty: A petty noble, merchant or guard looks to hire adventurers to help protect an endangered individual making an appearance at the Hall.
Spare A Few Coppers: A beggar or group of street urchins harass passers-by for coins.
Jury Duty: Several dabus stop passing adventurers and insist they join the gallery of a trial in progress to help determine a verdict. Whatever the outcome, allies of the accused or the victim will hold a grudge and seek revenge.
Blocked Street: A mob, accident, riot, festival or street performance group blocks a major thoroughfare, forcing travelers to find another route.
I Won't Go Quietly: A powerful offender (demon, giant, evil paragon hero) accused of a crime refuses to be dragged to the Courts and attempts to escape.
A mass of grim stone and spikes, the banality of The Prison is designed to discourage all. Faint cries heard over the walls add further gloom to the headquarters of the Sons of Mercy. Though not as lethal as their faction forerunners, the Mercykillers, the Sons still share the same uncompromising view of justice which troubles those busy in Sigil's cross-trade. Nobody's looking to make trouble in this neighborhood.
Wandering Encounters...
Vigilante Patrol: A group of either Sons of Mercy or Daughters of Light stop passers-by to demand their business in the area or be checked over for signs of faction membership.
Escape Attempt: A group of shady beings (thieves, Factioners, demons) are spotted trying to sneak into the Prison and help someone escape. Although they are not making any progress, they will stop to deal with any witnesses who have seen them.
Posse Up: A local authority group asks adventurers for help in capturing a criminal on the run but cornered in a specific district.
One's Loss Is Another's Gain: An injured being stumbles up to a passer-by and drops over dead. The body may carry random bits of treasure.
Compared to the rest of the Lower Ward, this district is quite serene -- almost spooky. Hauntings of long-dead spirits are not uncommon here amid the ruins where the worshipers of Aoskar, a god of travel, once prayed. They say the Lady of Pain herself slew this divine rival -- but none say so loudly while within the Lady's city.
Wandering Encounters...
Restless Dead: Ghostly petitioners haunt passers-by, either out of reflexive habit or to seek answers about their (un)deaths.
Lost Berk: A stranger (clueless newcomer or novice tout) asks for directions and is willing to pay for help. (The stranger may not be as naive, but instead setting up an ambush.)
Press Gang: A group of angels, devils or titans attempt to kidnap adventurers and force them to serve in their planar armies.
Desperate Hunger: A starving beggar asks passers-by for food.
Thirst For Blood: A vampire attempts to prey upon a passer-by.
Flight For Freedom: An escaped slave being chased by its slavelord taskmasters appeals to passers-by for help.
Defiers The Gods: A militant group of Athar factioners make trouble for anyone on their turf who openly serves a divine power; clerics, paladins and other such champions will be targeted.
While none of the Hive is pretty, nothing compares to the Slags. Its row-after-row of burned-out buildings, maze of alleys and constant dripping of filthy run-off water play host to a horrible monster that playfully hunts and tortures prey. No one but the ridiculously brave or ridiculously stupid enter this city district.
Wandering Encounters...
Heads Up: A group of vandals on the other side of Sigil catapult "up" a barage of debris that rains down on the local area.
Urban Renewal: Brave workers from the Stone & Cog company attempt to salvage a building site and clear it for future reconstruction.
King of the Slags: An obese and powerful fiend (demon? tiefling?) attempts to demand tribute from passers-by entering "his dominion."
The Us: A rogue pack of cranium rats attempt to magically dominate a passer-by into doing something for them (fetching food, writing and delivering a message, or attacking a specific enemy).
Foolhearty Berks: A group of adventurers are found hunting for the Kadyx.
Work of the Beast: A gruesome and bizarre "sculpture" of corpses is found in the ruins.
Vermin of the Beast: Odd mutations of scavengers (carrion crawlers, giant beetles) swarm over a wall, fleeing from something on the other side.
The Beast: The Kadyx spots prey and decides to play.